Ashley om Chris Weiz & hur det är att spela Alice Cullen!
har en ny intervju med Ashley där hon pratar om Chis Weiz som regissör, hur galet det egentligen är med fansen & hur det är att spela Alice Cullen! :D
Ni kan läsa hela intervjun här!

And Alice, she's a vampire but she's also just a nice person.
That's a great character to be associated with.

Ashley Greene: "I want to pinch myself sometimes because I'm in this phenomenon.
People are going, 'Are you going to get pigeonholed?' But Alice is in the limelight, but she's not in the limelight enough that she can't just be Alice. And she is a best friend character and she's so relatable. I'm just lucky."

Plus, you had all the cool clothes to wear in this one.

Ashley Greene: "Oh my god, that wardrobe!"

It was gorgeous. Did you get to keep anything?

Ashley Greene: "I got to keep some of the stuff in the second one.
But it’s hard because you never know if you're going to re-shoot, and so they want to
keep the clothes. And then because of how crazy this whole thing is, it’s really hard."

You look absolutely gorgeous in New Moon.

Ashley Greene: "Thank you."

And you get to drive a Porsche.

Ashley Greene: "I get to drive a Porsche. I got to go to Italy, I got to wear amazing clothes."



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ASHLEY MICHELE GREENE, född 21 februari 1987 i Jacksonville, Florida. Ashley är en amerikansk skådespelerska och modell. Hennes stora genomslag kom med rollen som vampyren "Alice" i The Twilight Saga.