Ashley pratar Eclipse

Jag tror inte att jag har lagt upp denna intervjun
med Ashley innan, men hon pratar i
alla fall om Eclipse! (:

“I was excited about the photo shoot. I wasn’t too nervous, I’ve been in a prom dress before,” said 22-year-old Ashley, looking glamorous in a strapless, floor-length purple gown.

“I’m trying to convince them to let me take the dress so I can go out in it,” she giggled, “but I don’t think it’s going to happen.”

Ashley, whose Teen Prom issue hits newsstands Dec. 22, also showed off a bruise on her arm (rendered practically invisible with makeup) that she sustained while training for the eagerly awaited third ‘Twilight’ film, ‘Eclipse.’

“Until I had to shoot in prom dresses, I didn’t get any bruises. I was doing really well,” she smiled. “It’s horrible, but it’s been really fun. [Our moves] will look really, really good by the time we finally get to the fight sequence because in ‘Eclipse’ … we have to fight this new-born vampire army.”

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ASHLEY MICHELE GREENE, född 21 februari 1987 i Jacksonville, Florida. Ashley är en amerikansk skådespelerska och modell. Hennes stora genomslag kom med rollen som vampyren "Alice" i The Twilight Saga.