Tre nya outtakes från Mark Spring 2013
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Ashley på omslaget av Mark Magalog 5
Ashley är på omslaget av det nyaste numret av mark. girl's med en ny bild från deras senaste photoshoot! Ni kan se omslaget nedan och förhoppningsvis kommer fler nya biler ut snart! :)

Update: En ny outtake + ad från tidningen har också kommit ut!

Mark. Cosmetics Spring 2013 katalog
Mark. Cosmetics Spring 2013 katalog har nu kommit ut och på omslaget är det en ny bild på Ashley från deras senaste photoshoot! Tyvärr är tidningen endast fotad men förhoppningsvis kommer en bättre bild ut snart.
Outtake från Mark's Spring 2013 kampanj
Det har kommit ut en första titt på Ashley från Mark Cosmetics Spring 2013 Campaign!

Nya outtakes och ads från Mark.!
Behind the scenes intervju från Mark. photoshooten
Ashley gjorde nyligen en ny photoshoot för mark. för deras Spring 2013 kollektion och en intervju med henne från behind the scenes har kommit ut!
Ashley i en ny video för M.Powerment by Mark
Intervju med Ashley om Mark's Very Sassy

We came to know her as the sweet, clairvoyant vampire in the Twilight series, but the movies have only been the jumping point for the spirited Ashley Greene. As the face of Mark’s newest fragrance, Very Sassy, she embodies the sugar and spice that every girl is made of. The perfume boasts bold notes of black currant, peach skin, yellow jasmine, white moss, and fruitwood for a luscious and warm finish to any autumn ensemble. Glam recently got the chance to sit down with the starlet and find out how the scent makes the perfect fit for all, how she pampers herself, and some of her seasonal beauty essentials.
What are some of your favorite notes in Very Sassy? I love the black currant, and it got a very mossy and green scent to it. So it smells very clean and warm but with a touch of fruit.
Do you think the fragrance fits well for fall? I think the black currant and the warmth of the woods really makes it a great choice for fall!
Given your hectic schedule, what do you do beauty-wise to spoil yourself? Getting manicures and pedicures are fun and so are getting facials every once and a while. But there’s nothing like getting a good massage though.
What are your top three makeup bag essentials for the season? A good mascara, a good eyeliner, and Mark has these really great lip colors [Make it Rich Lip Color Crayons] that you can swipe on and feel like you’re ready to go out.
Mark’s Very Sassy will be available October 2012 at for $14-$30.
Behind the scenes på Mark's Spring 2013 photoshoot
Ashley Greene for mark.'s Very Sassy
Två nya annonser för mark.!

Nya mark. & DKNY ads med Ashley
Både mark. och DKNY Jeans har släppt tre nya ads med Ashley från deras Fall 2012 Collection som ni kan se nedan!


Ashley Mark Magalog omslag i HQ
Ashley är på omslaget av mark. girl's kommande nummer av sin magalog som kommer ut till hösten. Bilden finns nu ute i HQ som ni kan se nedan!

Nya Mark Fall 2012 outtakes och annonser

Två nya outtakes för Mark Girl Fall 2012
Det har släppts två nya outtakes på Ashley från mark.'s Fall 2012 kollektion!

Ännu en ny video med Ashley för Mark Cosmetics
Ashley på omslaget av mark magalog + mark webcast
Ashley är på omlaget av den senaste mark. magalogen med en ny bild från deras senaste photoshoot för kampanjen. Ett snällt fan har också sammaställt lite av vad Ashley sade under hennes webcast med mark. som var häromdagen, ni kan läsa det nedan! En video med en del av webcasten finns också ute.

Källa, källa

On thursday, may 17, we got to meet ashley greene! well virtually… she joined us for a webcast, and i am giving you the breakdown on her exclusive chat with mark.!
on her downtime, ashley loves to read books, magazines, and newspapers. aside from scripts, she loves to catch up on literature and what is going on in the world. she also loves to bake! her favorite part about being actress? she loves to step into different characters’ shoes and explore their lives. she loves the challenge in tackling and researching these roles. it was hard to pick one fan experience, but ashley loves the red carpet experiences. she gets to see all the fans!
so far, ashley hasn’t picked one greatest accomplishment, but being a part of mark. and the m.powerment campaign is something she is very proud of. recently, ashley went to barbados for her 25th birthday. she loves any vacation destination with a beach!
so why mark.? ashley met mark. at an event. the goodie bags had mark. products inside and she fell in love! plus, she fell in love with the m.powerment campaign – which basically sealed the deal as her stint as brand ambassador.
ashley loves being a role model. she is honored to use her public influence as a platform to speak out. as some people may know, she is a big fan of audrey hepburn. not only for her movies and style, but for her inspirational contribution. like audrey, ashley uses her image as a platform to inspire and to help others.
m.powerment is an organization ashley is the most dedicated to. she is proud that the campaign has raised over $1 million to help agencies across the country. one of her goals is to speak out for people who cannot speak for themselves. she loves that mark. is about beauty in the inside as well as the outside.
one mark. product ashley cannot live without? the on the dot eye color compact. she travels a lot and it’s difficult to bring so many makeup products on board. so, ashley loves that the compact is convenient and that she switch looks with just one compact.
ashley has three favorite picks for summer: glowdacious illuminating powder – she loves the sun-kissed look. but instead of tanning out in the sun all day long (which is harmful for your skin), ashley uses glowdacious for a more natural look. but here’s a tip from ashley herself: dust glowdacious on cheeks, nose, and forehead. layer up bracelets – ashley has a casual look (she’s a jean and t-shirt kind of girl). so she relies on her accessories to dress up her outfit. she loves the layer up bracelets because it has a variety of colors so she can wear the bracelets with any outfit.
fit to print reversible bag – ashley was born and raised on the beach, so this product was a natural pick for her. like the bracelet, ashley loves that the bag is reversible to suit any style! plus, the bag is large enough to use as a chic overnight and/or carry-on travel bag.
Källa, källa
Bilder från National Rep Webcast by Mark + ny annons
Igår deltog Ashley i mark.'s webcast som man kunde se live på internet och hon svarade på några av fansens frågor. Två bilder på henne i studion har kommit ut plus en nu annons från mark.!


Ny outtake fråm mark. girl

mark. kommer också att ha en webcast med Ashley ikväll där man bl.a kan ställa frågor till henne. Är osäker på om man kan kolla på det live men ni kan läsa mer om det här.

Ashley i den nya mark. magalogen #5
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