Ashley på DKNY Spring Fashion Show 2013
Igår (9 september) var Ashley på DKNY Spring Fashion Show 2013 i New York på Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week. Eftersom Ashley är ansiktet utåt för DKNY så var det ganska självklart att hon var där. Hon satt på första raden tillsammans med bl.a Holland Roden från serien Teen Wolf! Ni kan läsa nya intervjuer med henne från eventet här, här & här.

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Nya mark. & DKNY ads med Ashley
Både mark. och DKNY Jeans har släppt tre nya ads med Ashley från deras Fall 2012 Collection som ni kan se nedan!


Nya bilder och annonser för DKNY
Outtakes på Ashley för DKNY Jeans Fall 2012
För någon dag sedan släpptes det bilder på Ashley för hennes DKNY Fall 2012 annonser och nu har det även kommit ut några för DKNY Jeans Fall 2012!

Ashley Greene för DKNY Fall 2012
Fler nya annonser på Ashley för DKNY Fall 2012!

Sneak peek på Ashley för DKNY Fall 2012!
JustJared har en exklusiv ny titt på Ashley för de nya DKNY Fall 2012 annonserna som kommer börjas publiceras i tidningar i augusti!

Check out Ashley Greene in DKNY‘s Fall 2012 ad campaign! got an exclusive sneak peek of the 25-year-old actress posing for photographer Peter Lindbergh before the pics hit magazines this August.
The inspiration for the shoot? “Fall 2012 is a collection made for a true city girl who has places to go and people to see. Sweet and strong, pretty and tough, smart and street, this season’s campaign voyeuristically and strikingly documents a slice of Ashley Greene’s life in the city,” according to the brand.
Ashley hit NYC’s 5th Avenue, 75th Street, Battery Park, and Tribeca for the Fall photos. Last season, she posed on the roof of the Waldorf Astoria.
For more of Ashley‘s ad campaign, check out later this evening!
Ny DKNY Jeans annons med Ashley
Behind the scenes bilder från DKNY photoshoot i N.Y
Ashley gjorde en ny photoshoot för DKNY Fall 2012 tidigare idag i New York och några behind the scenes bilder finns ute. DKNY avslöjade även igår att Ashley kommer befinna sig i Moskva, Ryssland nästa vecka för DKNY's Fall 2012 Fashion Show!


Ny DKNY Spring 2012 Advert med Ashley

Ny Spring 2012 DKNY annons + en i bättre kvalité
DKNY har släppt en ny annons med Ashley från deras Spring 2012 kollektion som även är på förstasidan på deras hemsida! En outtake som vi sett innan från DKNY finns nu också ute i HQ! Klicka på den första bilden för att se den större.

Behind the scenes - DKNY Spring 2012
Behind the scenes videos från Ashleys DKNY photoshoot!
Skrivet av: Viktoria
Fler nya DKNY Jeans annonser med Ashley
En massa nya annonser och bilder på Ashley från DKNY och DKNY Jeans har kommit ut de senaste dagarna och dem är hur snygga som helst så vi klagar ju inte! Om ni inte riktigt hängt med eller sett allt som rör Ashley för DKNY så kan ni kika in i DKNY-katergorin!


Skrivet av: Viktoria
Två behind the scenes bilder från DKNY
Fler nya DKNY 2012 annonser!
US Weekly; Ny exklusiv DKNY Spring 2012 annons med Ashley

Last month, DKNY unveiled Ashley Greene's DKNY Jeans billboard over Times Square in NYC. The black-and-white ad showed her in hip-hugging flares and a tight, low-cut white tank top.
And now, the star's campaign photo for DKNY has been revealed -- in color -- where she is dressed in a much edgier and fashion-forward ensemble.
"I love wedges right now," the star told Us Weekly in NYC December 22. "They're really comfortable and, especially when you're running around New York, it's nice to have a shoe that you can walk in."
The Twilight Saga Breaking Dawn: Part 1 actress signed on to serve as the brand-ambassador for DKNY and DKNY Jeans in October.
Skrivet av: Viktoria
Ny bildannons på Ashley från DKNY
DKNY intervju och bilder i bättre kvalité

First of all, we love your coat. Is it Donna Karan?Yes! It is. It’s one of the many perks of the job. What it means to you to be the new face of DKNY?
I think it’s a huge compliment that they wanted me to be the face of DKNY. I’ve always been a fan of the brand, so I think it’s a really organic fit for me. The brand represents this really incredible style that is New York—and I love New York! So I was very flattered that they asked me to jump on-board.
Are you living in New York right now?
Yeah, I am. You know, I go back and forth between here and Los Angeles, but I’m doing Pan Am out here right now, so it’s a very good excuse to be here for a long time. I try to book everything I possibly can in New York so that it gives me an excuse to be out here. Do you prefer New York to Los Angeles? I do like having both worlds. Sometimes, I just want to jump in my car and go places myself and hide from the rain. But I think that there’s this really incredible creative energy in New York that you don’t get anywhere else. And especially because of the line of work that I’m in, it’s a really great thing. It’s inspiring to be here! I feel like everyone has their own thing going on, but everyone kind of co-exists together. It’s a really interesting city.
How much do you love the ad?
I do love it! I love it so much. They sent me a book with probably thirty images that they were talking about using to do the ads, and it was the first time I saw every image. And I just said, “Oh, my God! Yep, I’m fine with all of them. Pick whatever you want.” And you would expect nothing less, because DKNY is incredible, but it was so cool. These images were some of my favorites of the bunch, so the fact that they picked them was a very cool thing for me. I was, like, “Yes!” It is crazy to see them, though, that big right in the middle of Times Square.
Is it just crazy to see your face hanging out in the middle of Times Square?Yes! But it’s cool because my parents are coming into town for Christmas. It’s going to be really cool for them to see them.
What are your Christmas plans this year?
Lots of cooking and eating.
Will you be doing any of the cooking?Yeah! I’m trying to coordinate with my mom right now, picking out our favorite recipes and getting all of the food we need—and making sure we have all of the proper cooking utensils! It’s all part of hosting Christmas. Just waking up and opening presents and eating all of the food will be really fun for me. My family will be out here for a while—they’re staying through New Year’s—so I’ll be getting to spend a lot of time with them. I don’t get to see them as often as I’d like to. My brother’s actually never been to New York before, so it’s his first time coming.
How cool!
Yeah, it’s going to be so cool. We’re going to do a couple of tours together, see a bunch of things probably. There are also a bunch of little local spots that I want to take them all to, too.
What are your plans for New Year’s Eve?
I’m pretty sure I’m just going to do something really mellow with my parents. The place that they’re staying actually has a bunch of really amazing restaurants, so that makes things really easy for us.
Do you have any winter must-haves, fashion-wise?
I just got this really incredible shearling coat, and it’s reversible, which is huge since you know there isn’t a lot of closet space in New York. It’s nice to have two awesome jackets in one. So that, and I say you should get a really great cashmere sweater, because it’s great to layer over. It’s not that thick and it’ll always keep you warm. It’s really beautiful today, but it does get very cold here, doesn’t it?
It sure does. And the jacket, it’s DKNY?
Yes! I just went into the store and destroyed the place. I was, like, “Yep, I’ll take that!”
Skrivet av: Viktoria
Ashley debuterar hennes DKNY billboard i New York!
Tidigare idag var Ashley på DKNY's turnébuss för att debutera hennes stora billboard för DKNY Jeans som hänger på Times Square i New York! Några bilder på Ashley finns ute än så länge.

Källa, källa
Today we took Ashley Greene on a NYC tour bus to debut her new and ridiculously huge double #DKNYJeans billboard. Nothing is more NY than a pair of jeans and nothing screams NY more than Times Square! This is the first of several other DKNY Jeans and DKNY images to come!

Källa, källa
Skrivet av: Viktoria
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