The Apparition - Blir officiellt film!
Det har ryktas ett tag nu att Ashley ska vara med i en ny film, The Apparition, men inget har hitintills hänt. Men nu så går writer-director Todd Lincoln ut med att filmen är officiellt igång och ska börja filmas. Superkul att Ashley är med i ännu en ny film! :)
Things are moving fast on The Apparition, Dark Castle’s upcoming spookshow about a
young couple haunted by a supernatural presence in the wake of a college experiment.
Ashley Greene joined the cast in the last few months and now writer-director Todd Lincoln has presented an update by way of his Facebook page: “In Berlin prepping The Apparition. Love my crew. We’re building our sets on the same stage that Polanski recently shot on and that Fritz Lang shot Metropolis.”
That must mean he’s shooting in Studio Babelsberg which has been around since 1911. It’s great to see this project is finally moving along, especially after the tedious journey Lincoln had on the Hack/Slash film which he departed. But from what I’m hearing, The Apparition was a good ship to jump on to.
Hoppas det, kul att få se henne i fler filmer!! :p
ville bara önska en GOD JUL! :)
Hej :D hur ska du fira julafton? :)
Ha en bra jul :D