Ashley i februarinumret av OK! Magazine
Ashley är med i februarinumret av OK! Magazine med en ny, kort intervju och en ny outtake från en gammal photoshoot som ni kan se nedan!
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På omslaget av Seventeen Magazine South Africa
Ashley är på omslaget av januari/februari numret av Seventeen Magazine South Africa! Bilden på omslaget är en ny outtake frn hennes photoshoot med Seventeen.

På omslaget av Cosmopolitan Singapore
Scans från Seventeen Magazine
Ashley på omslaget av Seventeen Magazine
Ashley är på omslaget av december/januarin numret av Seventeen Magazine! Tidningen innehåller en ny intervju och outtakes från en ny photoshoot! Nedan kan ni läsa urdag av intervjun och se några outtakes som har kommit ut. Ni kan även se en behind the scened video här!
The Funniest Part Of Filming The Final Movie “We secretly coordinated a dance-off during a scene! We were all in on it, but [director] Bill Condon didn’t know. [All the vampires] were supposed to charge at each other and destroy each other, but instead we just started dancing! Everyone did it—the Cullen clan and probably 20 vampire extras! It was such an amazing way to end it all.”
On Her Famous Exes
“I certainly have [been in love]. I can still love an ex as a person, regardless if the breakup was bad. I would never wish anything negative on them. It takes more energy to hate them than to wish them well.”
Her Thoughts On Rob & Kristen
“Hopefully it won’t taint [the movie]and people will still be able to enjoy it. I think a lot of people see us as our characters. I really want them to still be able to do that.”
Where She Worked As A Teen
“When I was 15, I worked at a dry cleaner because I wanted Abercrombie & Fitch jeans. My mom told me I could have $20 jeans, not $70 jeans, unless I was willing to work for them. So I did! I got a job so I could buy the clothes that I wanted. I also worked in a corporate office as a phone operator—I’ve worked literally everywhere in Jacksonville, FL and L.A. One of the places I worked in L.A. was the Roosevelt Hotel!”
How She Describes Her Style
“I have a very classic take on fashion. I like my accessories to pop, but in general, my style is pretty classic.”
Her Thoughts On Dating
“I’ve definitely been in relationships where I’ve given too much, and I’ve been in relationships where I haven’t given enough. I think it’s a work in progress. I have to find that person where it clicks.”
På omslaget av Company Magazine UK
Ashley är på omslaget av decembernumret av tidningen Company Magazine och den innehåller en ny intervju och en ny outtake från hennes Blackbook Magazine photoshoot. Ni kan läsa hela intervjun genom att klicka på bilderna nedan!
Ashley Greene has admitted she had no idea what she was in for when she auditioned for the role of Alice Cullen in Twilight.
The 25-year-old has shot to fame since landing the role in the movie adaption of Stephanie Meyer’s hugely successful vampire saga, which she’d never even heard of before her audition.
Ashley told Company magazine: “We had no idea just how big Twilight was going to become. The audition was top secret so all I had was: vampire, 18, girl.
“I was like, what am I supposed to do with this? Are there any directions? Then my managers were like, oh yes there’s a book.”
So the day before testing for the role, Ashley cram-read the first two Twilight books, which gave her a real taste for the part.
She continued: “By then, I really wanted to be Alice and I worked day and night getting into character. But it wasn’t until we got to Portland to rehearse that I realised this thing was going to be huge.
“We hadn’t even started filming when my mum called and said, ‘Do you know you have a fan site?’”
Four years on and with the upcoming release of the final installment of the franchise, Breaking Dawn: Part Two, Ashley insists she’s great friends with the rest of the cast.
She said: “I mean you hear the horror stories of people not getting along on set. And all of us have such severely different personalities but we all meshed and got along so well.
“I think the experience is so crazy that it bonded us. Now we really look forward to award shows because they brings us all back together.”
Ashley’s co-stars include on-screen and off-screen couple Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson, as well as Taylor Lautner and Kellan Lutz.
Nonetheless, most of Ashley’s closest mates are people she grew up with.
She continued: “I honestly don’t have a lot of friends that are actors. Most of my friends I’ve known since sixth grade and are out of the industry. It gives me a sense of reality rather than surrounding myself with a bunch of actors.”
Ashley likes to keep her “private life private” and prefers to avoid star-studded celebrity events where the paparazzi tend to be.
But even when out for dinner, Ashley finds she can’t keep out of the news because of the interest in her love life.
She added: “You know, my brother won’t walk out of a restaurant with me anymore because he doesn’t want to be linked to me as my new ‘mystery man’.
“Same with my close guy friends. In the beginning, my mum would be like, are you dating this person? And I’m like, ‘Mum, no! If I’m dating someone, I will personally come and tell you.’
“It’s kind of insane that you can literally be walking beside somebody and not even know them, but you can still be dating them. It always makes me laugh.”
Read the full interview with Ashley in December’s Company magazine, out 7th November
På omslaget av Modern Luxury: Manhattan
Ashley är även på omslaget av Modern Luxury's Manhattan Magazine!

Scans från GQ Magazine + Riviera Orange County
Det har kommit ut scans från GQ Magazine med nya outtakes på Ashley från hennes photoshoot! Ashley är även på omslaget av Riviera Orange County Magazine; tidningen innehåller dock samma intervju som Riviera San Diego. Ni kan läsa den här!
Ashley på omslaget av GQ Magazine!
Ashley är på omslaget av decembernumret av den brittiska tidningen GQ! Tidningen innehåller en nu, sjukt snygg photoshoot med Ashley + en intervju. Än så länge har omslaget och två outtakes kommit ut och en liten titt på intervjun som ni kan se nedan!

Ashley Greene claims it is tough to find a lover – especially when you’re a famous face.
The Twilight actress – who split from boyband star Joe Jonas last year – said most men used her to get their faces in the papers.
She moaned: ‘When I’m dating a guy and he says, “I don’t want press”, and then says, “Let’s go to Katana for dinner” – I’m like, “Really? You don’t want to just walk down the street to some dive? You don’t want to get photographed but you want to go to a place where you know there’s paparazzi?”
‘Dating is a hard, hard thing when you have this job. Sometimes I wish I could just go back to Florida and, like, date my home-town boyfriend.’
Greene admitted things got more complicated when she gets linked to every Tom, Dick and Harry. ‘It’s really frustrating whenever I can’t go and do something because I know it’s going to be on the internet,’ the 25-year-old told GQ.
She added: ‘Like if I go to a friend’s house, they’ll be, “She’s dating him!” It’s like, “Oh, am I dating my brother now? Is that what’s happening?” Or when they write that I was with a “mystery man”, and I’m like, “He’s gay, by the way, so it is a mystery!”.’
Meanwhile, the final part of the Twilight saga, Breaking Dawn part 2, hits cinemas next month.
Read the full interview in the December issue of GQ magazine.
På omslaget av Angeleno and Miami Magazine
Ashley är på omslaget av Modern Luxury tidningarna Angeleno och Miami Magazine med nya photoshoots! Innehållen är densamma, tydligen, som scansen från Riviera San Diego Magazine!

Riviera San Diego Magazine
Ashley är med i novembernumret av tidningen Riviera San Diego Magazine med en ny photoshoot och intervju! Scans från tidningen finns nu ute som ni kan se nedan :)

En ny outtake från Glamour + Marie Claire scans
Det har kommit ut en ny outtake på Ashley från hennes Glamour photoshoot! Scans från tidningen Marie Claire har också kommit ut och ni kan se dem nedan & läsa hela intervjun!
På omslaget av Nylon Indonesia
Ashley är också på omslaget av oktobernumret av tidningen Nylon Indonesia!

Ashley på omslaget av Marie Claire!
Ashley är på omslaget av novembernumret av Marie Claire US med en ny photoshoot! De har släppt några outtakes och en behind the scenes video samt en del av deras intervju som ni kan se & läsa här!
Even vampires need to re-evaluate their love lives. Just ask Twilight star Ashley Greene.
“I’m always here and there – everyone in my industry is – and that’s why a lot of relationships are fleeting,” the actress, 25,tells Marie Claire in its November cover story, on newsstands Oct. 23.
Greene’s own challenge is balancing her career with her personal life.
“I’ve gotten very good at detaching whenever I have to go away for three months, which I realize is hard on friends and kind of selfish,” says the Florida native. “You go on a couple of dates, and then someone ships off to do a movie. It’s not like you’re going to fly out and see them, because it’s not serious enough for that.”
But no one can accuse her of being a different Ashley, even while on the celebrity fast track playing Alice Cullen.
“After the movie [Twilight] came out, some people said, ‘You changed,’ “ she says. “And I said, ‘I haven’t changed, dude. Your opinion of me has changed because I’m working on this film.’ Trust me, my parents would let me know.”
HQ scans från Women's Health Magazine
Det har nu kommit ut HQ scans från Women’s Health Magazine (South Africa) där Ashley är på omslaget. Det finns med en ny intervju med Ashley där hon pratar om Twilight, The Apparition och Butter.
Ashley på omlsaget av Women's Health Magazine
Ashley är på omslaget av oktobernumret av tidningen Women's Health! Bilden på omslaget är en ny outtake från hennes Glamour photoshoot, och en ny intervju finns med i tidningen. Förhoppningsvis kommer hela intervjun ut snart!

På omslaget av svenska & brasilianska Cosmopolitan
Ashley är just nu på omslaget av både den svenska och brsilianska utgåvan av Cosmopolitan! Tidningen finns ute att köpa i affärer nu!

Scans från augustinumret av Nylon US!
Det har nu kommit ut scans från augustinumret av tidningen Nylon US som Ashley är på omslaget av! Tidningen innehåller en ny intervju med Ashley och bilder från en ny photoshoot. Förhoppningsvis kommer bilderna ut i HQ snart!


Ashley på omslaget av Nylon Korea!
Ashley är på omslaget av augustinumret av Nylon i Korea med en ny photoshoot! Enligt källor så kommer hon även att pryda amerikanska Nylon, så förhoppningsvis kommer fler bilder ut snart :)


Ashley på omslaget av Cosmopolitan US
Ashley är på omslaget av augustinumret av tidningen Cosmopolitan med en ny photoshoot! Tidningen innehåller också en ny intervju med Ashley som ni kan läsa genom att klicka på bilderna.


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