Breaking Dawn utan Ashley & Kellan?
För det första. detta är inte officiellt, utan bara rena rykten för tillfället. För det andra, jag hatar när sånna här rykten löper omkring när man inte alls kan lita på att det är sant. Dessutom gör media vadsomhelst för att känna pengar. Det gäller även om man måste hitta på en massa skit.
Det har börjat löpa omkring en massa rykten om att Ashley Greene och Kellan Lutz har krävt en lönehöjning av Summit på 1 miljon dollar, för att göra de två sista Breaking Dawn filmerna (att det blir två filmer är än så länge också bara ett rykte), eftersom dem anser att dem gör lika mycket publicitet som Rob, Kristen & Taylor.
Man kan ju tro på vad man vill, men ärligt talat tror jag inte att iaf Ashley skulle äventyra sin roll som Alice i filmen bara för att hon får för lite pengar för det...
"Summit Entertainment is primed to split the final Twilight Saga installment, Breaking Dawn, into two films: Author Stephenie Meyer has signed off; Bill Condon’s onboard to direct two; and Robert Pattinson is ready to roll, as are Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner.
So what’s the holdup on declaring Breaking Dawn a twofer?
According to the Hollywood Reporter, it’s some of the so-called secondary and lesser-paid stars of the series, particularly Kellan Lutz and Ashley Greene, who have not agreed to Summit’s terms and are demanding more money for their pale-faced efforts.
A source told the trade that the offers the actors received for the proposed fifth film were “offensive” in comparison with how much dough the franchise has earned. Another insider says, meanwhile, that Summit might be willing to cut ties with at least one of them to “make a point.”
Now, fans have already been forced to accept a midsaga cast change: Bryce Dallas Howard replaces Rachelle Lefevre as the murderous Victoria in the upcoming Eclipse."
"It’s no surprise that salary negotiations would be the key stumbling block to splitting the fourth and final Twilight book, Breaking Dawn, into two movies. (The actors’ contracts cover only four movies. This would make it five.) But who could have guessed it would be the supporting actors, not the stars, who would go to the mat for more money. As first reported by The Hollywood Reporter, co-stars Ashley Greene and Kellan Lutz are taking a hard-line approach to negotiations, while Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner are close to signing their deals for both films. Director Bill Condon has already done so.
Greene and Lutz don’t have huge roles. Greene portrays Alice Cullen, the future-seeing sister of Edward Cullen and Bella’s closest friend in the Cullen clan. Lutz plays older brother Emmett Cullen and his part, so far, has been minor. Yet sources tell that the duo are asking for $4 million a piece for each of the final two films. Greene and Lutz had initially banded together with fellow co-stars Nikki Reed and Jackson Rathbone to form a united front, but sources say Reed backed down and is now close to finalizing her deal, which is said to be in the $750,000- $1 million range per film–the amount Summit initially offered the four cast members. (Rathbone’s status remains unclear, and his reps had not returned a call for comment at press time. Reed’s manager declined to comment.)
The studio declined to comment on the negotiations. But sources tell that Greene and Lutz believe that because the supporting actors do as much publicity as the lead actors, and have to log almost as many hours on set, they should be paid accordingly. One source involved in the negotiations says that Greene and Lutz just want to get $1 million or more.
Either way, what is peculiar is that Greene and Lutz are banding together at all. Greene’s Alice is a much more instrumental character than Lutz’s Emmett is. And considering that Summit has replaced actors before who played hardball (Rachelle LaFevre was dropped from the upcoming Eclipse in favor of Bryce Dallas Howard), it wouldn’t be a surprise if Summit chooses to replace either actor. It’s just fans will probably be much more outraged over Greene leaving than Lutz."
låter som ett dumt rykte :S
Varför kan de bara inte hålla k*n. Jag vägrar tro att det är sant, helt enkelt!!
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grupp ? Det finns en massa människor som jag tror skulle verkligen uppskatta ditt innehåll .
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