Visste du att...
I intervjun med Ashley i mark. studion fick vi veta lite mer, intressant saker om henne. Visste du att..
-She is a self-proclaimed t-shirt and jeans kinda gal.
-She is a self-proclaimed t-shirt and jeans kinda gal.
-She was just as awkward as the rest of us in high school, making bad makeup choices and bad fashion choices along the way.
-Her style icon is Audrey Hepburn. She also thinks Gwyneth Paltrow has a fantastic style.
-When Suchin asked her if she was Team Edward or Team Jacob, Greene (very diplomatically) announced that she was sticking to Team Edward. She did play Edward’s sister after all.
-Her favorite red carpet moment was at the New Moon premiere, where she wore a red Prabal Gurung gown.
-She finds her success both “terrifying” and amazing. She feels fortunate because she gets to do what she loves, every single day.

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Postat av: KAROLINA » [it'slikereality]
Älskade intervjun! Det var så kul att se henne i direktsändning och allting.. fast jag tvivlar på att alla hennes "sminkfavoriter" består av mark. (y)