Ashley pratar om Butter, LOL & The Apparition

I del två av Ashleys Skateland Press Junket intervju så pratar hon om sina kommande filmer; Butter, LOL och The Apparition. Tycker det är väldigt intressant eftersom vi inte hört så mycket om dem innan, speciellt inte Butter. Ni kan läsa hela intervjun här (del 2).

"Yeah. I'm doing it all, but that one was my first comedy, and so again, I took the part and then after I took the part I was like, "Oh, my God, what did I just do? What did I sign myself up for?" because I'd never done it before. But it was a really fun learning experience and I had people like Ty Burrell who I think is a comedic genius and Jennifer Garner and Olivia and a lot of seasoned actors. It was really fun to be able to get to know them and work against them and kind of learn from them.

Then LOL is another comedy that was a French film and I actually really liked the French version and that's why I decided to do the American version. That one I think was just me kind of wanting to depart, I think, from…as much as I love Alice Cullen I think it's a kind of big departure because it's playing kind of the high school bad girl, kind of bitch essentially. She's kind of a little snarky and she's definitely not the purest. So I just was kind of like, "I want to play the bad girl." I hadn't done it yet and it was the same director that directed the French version. He also did the American version.

So, I did that and then Apparition is a thriller that I did. It was my first studio lead which was really exciting for me to be able to do. That one is kind of about a girl and a guy who move in together into a house and weird things start happening and kind of supernatural activity and the character, Kelly, has to deal with that and also the fact that her boyfriend isn't necessarily who she thinks he is."



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ASHLEY MICHELE GREENE, född 21 februari 1987 i Jacksonville, Florida. Ashley är en amerikansk skådespelerska och modell. Hennes stora genomslag kom med rollen som vampyren "Alice" i The Twilight Saga.