Smygtitt på intervjun med InStyle Hair ger oss en liten smygtitt på Ashleys intervju med InStyle Hair och Ashley berättar bl.a om processen till att få Alice's hår i Twilightfilmerna och att hon brukade vara en pojkflicka när hon var yngre. Tidningen släpps i butiker nu på fredag.

She may be known for her pretty red carpet dresses and girly on-screen persona, but growing up, Ashley Greene says she was “definitely” a tomboy.

“I was always trying to be like my older brother,” she admits in the latest issue of InStyle Hair.
But as she grew up, Greene became more aware of femininity. “I got really self-conscious because I had older friends. I thought they were prettier, and they were going through all these life experiences before I was.”

So Greene’s mom enrolled her in modeling classes, aimed at giving her confidence a boost. “[They] helped a lot,” she says. Now, the 24-year-old is a total glamour girl — even starring in ads for Mark cosmetics — but she hasn’t lost her tomboy roots. “I love having my hair and makeup done, but I’m really just a 15-minute girl, throwing everything on with no fuss,” she shares.

Transforming into her Twilight character, Alice Cullen, however, requires two hours in the stylist’s chair. “My hair is pretty thick, and we wrap it and put it under a wig,” she explains. “To get it to fit so I don’t look like I have an alien head is a talent in itself.” Since the Twilight series began in 2008, Greene says her wig has gone through three major changes. “The newest is a classic Audrey Hepburn cut,” she shares.

Perhaps we’ll see it in Breaking Dawn later this year? For more on Greene’s style evolution, pick up the latest issue of InStyle Hair, on newsstands April 8.

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ASHLEY MICHELE GREENE, född 21 februari 1987 i Jacksonville, Florida. Ashley är en amerikansk skådespelerska och modell. Hennes stora genomslag kom med rollen som vampyren "Alice" i The Twilight Saga.