Ashley ökar medvetheten kring tonårsvåld
Jag tycker att kändisar som uttnyttjar sin berömdhet genom att hjälpa till och få folk att bli mer medveta kring våld, katastrofer osv är riktigt bra. Ashley har gjort det innan för Teens For Jeans där hon hjälper till att samla in gamla jeans & käder till tonåringar som behöver det. Nu gör hon det igen! Denna gången hjälper hon till att få folk att bli medvetna om tonårsvåldet som är som störst på Alla hjätans dag den 14 februari.
Ashley Greene the star from Twilight and Mark Girl cosmetics have teamed up to raise awareness for campaign to raise awareness for Teen Dating Violence and Prevention. February is not only about Valentine’s Day, but it is also Teen Dating Violence and Prevention month.
Teen Dating Violence and Prevention Month is a national campaign to raise awareness about abuse in youth relationships and promote programs that prevent it during the month of February. Throughout February, organizations and individuals nationwide are coming together to highlight the need to educate young people about healthy relationships, teach healthy relationships and prevent the devastating cycle of abuse. The repercussions of teen violence dating are hard to ignore, but it doesn’t just affect the just the young victimized but their families, friends, schools, and communities.
For the victims it can often be hard to differentiate between abuse and someone’s normal behavior. It is often suggested that those that notice odd behaviors or tension in a relationship try to to talk to the victim in an open manner or offer to get the victim help. Ashley Greene has urged fans to support the cause as Love is respect.
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Postat av: Jossan -
Så fint gjort av henne!
Postat av: - Zac E, Vanessa H, Ashley T m.fl
Bra initiativ! Jag tycker också det är bra att kändisar använder sitt kändisskap till att sådana här saker för det gör att det uppmärksammas lite mer.