Ashley lämnar ett röstmeddelande till ett fan
Ashley fick ett brev från ett fan på Eclipse DVD signeringen i New York tidigare i December och när hon hade läst brevet lämnade hon ett röstmeddelande till hennes telefon. Väldigt fint gjort av henne, tycker jag!
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"Hi Tiffani, its Ashley Greene and um, i just read the letter with the roses and I just wanted to thank you so much. So, so sweet of you. Thank you for all the kind words. I love you right back, Marlo says thank you for the belated birthday wish, and i just wanted you to know that I am going to send your letter to the president of MARK because it affected me so much and i want them to know how we are empowering my fans. So, thank you so much for the letter, it was great to meet you and happy holidays! Bye!"
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"Hi Tiffani, its Ashley Greene and um, i just read the letter with the roses and I just wanted to thank you so much. So, so sweet of you. Thank you for all the kind words. I love you right back, Marlo says thank you for the belated birthday wish, and i just wanted you to know that I am going to send your letter to the president of MARK because it affected me so much and i want them to know how we are empowering my fans. So, thank you so much for the letter, it was great to meet you and happy holidays! Bye!"
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Skrivet av: Karolina
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Postat av: Maria ( Alice )
ska också skicka brev nu
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Postat av: Louise
Jag hoppas att du fortsätter med att skriva nya inlägg till din sida - den har verkligen potential :)!