Rösta på Ashley i Sexiest Woman Alive 2011
Ashley är med på Esquire's lista över de nominerade för Sexiest Woman Alive 2011. Just nu tävlar hon i första rundan mot Zoe Saldana så se till att rösta! Rösta här.

After a quiet 2010 that saw her lose the blue uniform, Saldana had to rely on her beguiling beauty to survive the bubble. In her way stands the cold, marble-statue splendor of Twilight's Greene. Both have legions of supporters, but this being the Internet, the 24-year-old Twi-hard favorite has home-court advantage.

After a quiet 2010 that saw her lose the blue uniform, Saldana had to rely on her beguiling beauty to survive the bubble. In her way stands the cold, marble-statue splendor of Twilight's Greene. Both have legions of supporters, but this being the Internet, the 24-year-old Twi-hard favorite has home-court advantage.
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