Ny intervju med Ashley om mode och hennes stil
TheFabLife har en ny intervju med Asley från veckan där hon bl.a pratar om mode och hennes stilförändring genom åren.

Ashley Greene was my last interview of the day during the Breaking Dawn press junket, and I entered her hotel suite at the Four Seasons at 5 p.m. expecting to find her as tired as I was — if not more. She had just come off the European press tour for the film and was now knee-deep in promotion stateside, a whirlwind of interviews and appearances. But the actress, who was recently named the new face of DKNY, was chipper and chatty, dressed in a silky red tank, jeans and sky-high patent-leather beige heels. When I told her I wanted to geek out about fashion with her for the entire interview but was gonna try not to, she joked, “But for a portion, at least!” Sounded good to me!Källa
TheFABlife: What’s helped you grow your style and fashion sense over the years?
Ashley Greene: I think it’s a lot of experiences. With Twilight, there’s been a lot of red carpets, fan events, press and talk shows. I work with a stylist named Christina Ehrlich and she’s been so incredible. She’s very collaborative and never tries to force anything on me.
TFL: Have you learned from past fashion missteps?
AG: I think one of the first mistakes you can make is wearing something because someone told you to wear it. And I’ve done it! We’ve all done it. [Ed. note: Yep, we have!]
TFL: What’s been your personal journey over these past four years while shooting Twilight?
AG: Figuring out who you are as a person is extremely helpful, which I’m of course still doing and am just starting. But when I was 20 I had absolutely no idea, and four years later I’m figuring all that out. Everyone’s always asking your opinion on things and you really have to sit there and think about it. You don’t just want to give some textbook answer. I know that I have this fanbase who’s actually listening to what I say, and so it forces you to sit back and really ponder things and think about them. And I think that’s a really good thing. I started paying a lot more attention to things going on around me. I think that forces you to grow as a person as well.
TFL: It seems like your strong personal sense of fashion was more evident in the character of Alice in this film.
AG: It was fun to dive into that world and try to create a little bit of an essence of who she was and incorporate modern day fashion to make her fit into the world. That was fun to do.
Skrivet av: Viktoria
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