Ny film: Ashley castad i en modern version av Oliver Twist!

En ny film för Ashley är på g! Hon ska nämligen spela huvudrollen i en ny, modern version av Charles Dickens Oliver Twist! Fast filmen kommer heta 'Oliva Twisted' och huvudkaraktären kommer vara en tjej istället för en kille. Spännande nyheter! Det avslöjades tidigare idag på Toronto International Film Festival.
EXCLUSIVE: Michael De Luca Prods. and Boss Media are teaming to produce “Olivia Twisted” with “Twilight” star Ashley Greene toplining the ultra-modern take on the classic Charles Dickens story.

The project was announced at Tuesday at the Toronto Intl. Film Festival.

Michael De Luca, Alissa Phillips, Frank Mancuso Jr. and Eric Gores will produce the film. Greene stars for De Luca in The Weinstein Company emsemble comedy “Butter,” which premiered at TIFF.

Script’s penned by tyro writer Michael Roberts and follows 19 year-old Olivia and a group of highly-trained, orphaned street urchins. Upon accepting a kidnapping job they find themselves in the middle of a turf war between warring criminal factions.

Project’s aimed combining classic Dickensian elements with a unique gothic backdrop.

Boss Media bought the project in a pre-emptive bid last weekend. The company, a partnership between Mancuso and Eric Gores, financed and produced the romantic comedy “Ten Year,” which is also premiering at TIFF.

De Luca’s a producer on Sony’s “Moneyball,” which premiered Friday at TIFF, and on “The Social Network.”

Project was introduced to Jennifer Nieves at Boss Media by McKeon Myones Management, who rep Greene.

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Skrivet av: Viktoria



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ASHLEY MICHELE GREENE, född 21 februari 1987 i Jacksonville, Florida. Ashley är en amerikansk skådespelerska och modell. Hennes stora genomslag kom med rollen som vampyren "Alice" i The Twilight Saga.