Ashley's twitterview om The Apparition!
Ashley gjorde en liten twitterview på sin twitter igår där hon bad fansen ställa frågor till henne om sin kommande film The Apparition! Nedan kan ni läsa alla frågor och svar. The Apparaition har premiär i USA nu på fredag, den 24 augusti.
RT @BMcAllistercKy: Do you personally believe in the paranormal and if so, any personal ghost stories? #AskAshleyGreene#THEAPPARITION
I try not to think too in depth about all of that stuff… but I definitely don’t rule it out.
RT @AnnalisaJukebox: @AshleyMGreene#AskAshleyGreene What did you like the most filming The Apparition? :)
Exploring different emotions and situations. I’d never done a film this dark. It was definitely a challenge and I’m proud that I did it.
RT @BethanyCullen_: #AskAshleyGreene@AshleyMGreene what’s your biggest fear ?
The unknown.
RT @GabbyMcleod: #AskAshleyGreene what was your favorite part of being in twilight?
Being able to portray a character that I loved so much and having the support of all the amazing fans :)
RT @MiniAliceGreene: #AskAshleyGreene@AshleyMGreene would you ever want to create your own fashion line? That would be AWESOME :D
Right now my focus is on acting and taking on new challenging roles, but I do love fashion, so maybe one day.
RT @missstarlightx: Why did you choose this role in the first place? How was the process to get it? #AskAshleyGreene#TheApparition
I liked the fact that the character of Kelly was a smart strong woman. The film is scary on a psychological level and I really liked that.
RT @mizzzezzbieber: @AshleyMGreene All time favorite scary movie? #AskAshleyGreene
Probably “The Shining” or “The Strangers” Both terrifying.
RT @CityOfAshleyG: @AshleyMGreene If you could be anyone for just a day, who would it be and why? #AskAshleyGreene :)
Will Ferrell….hands down
RT @IHeartJWhitlock: @AshleyMGreene What was the hardest part of filming #TheApparition? #AskAshleyGreene
Being physically and mentally exhausted for three months…..
RT @mddeese: @AshleyMGreene Ur favorite actors or actresses?#AskAshleyGreene
Audrey Hepburn.
RT @mddeese: @AshleyMGreene Wht was the scariest scene u filmed? #AskAshleyGreene#TheApparition Probably the hotel scene. I got a little claustrophobic .
RT @CandyAshKrisJen: Would Marlo make a good companion for apparition hunting, or does she get scared easily?#AskAshleyGreene
Marlo…. not so much. Theo on the other hand thinks he is 10 feet tall…. great guard dog.
RT @Meriem4JH: @AshleyMGreene Are there any similarities between yourself and Kelly? #AskAshleyGreene :)
I think we are both pretty proactive and have strong personalities. She’s also an animal lover like me :)
RT @FuckYesKS: @AshleyMGreene If you could be an animal by choice, what would you be? A bat? #askashleygreene
A hummingbird :)
RT @ZahraBlack94: @AshleyMGreene what’s your favourite comedy movie? #AskAshleyGreene
Billy Madison. My mom had to hide the tape from my brother and I because we watched it over and over and over again.
RT @krinapatel_: if you could be friends with any of the characters you’ve played, who would it be and why? :) #AskAshleyGreene x
Alice! She’s extremely fashionable, loyal, and she could definitely protect me from bad guys.
RT @x3itshayley: @AshleyMGreene#AskAshleyGreene can you describe the movie in 3 words ?? :D #TheApparition
Terrifying. Elevated. Dark. #TheApparition
Ashley Greene: Thank you guys for all the awesome questions! Hope to see some of you at The Apparition Premiere Thurs! 630pm Graumans Theater. :) Love ya!
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