Bilder på Ashley från CBGB set

Som jag nämnde innan så var ET Canada på inspelningen av filmen CBGB och de har nu släppt två bilder på Ashley när dem intervjuade henne! Ashley nämndes även i två artiklar på deras hemsida.

Taylor Hawkins from the Foo Fighters was very candid and gave us his best Iggy Pop impression… he has the looks – especially the abs – down perfectly. Ashley seemed very keen to step out of the Twilight franchise and test her chops at another role… she plays Lisa Kristal – the “hands on” daughter of CBGB owner, Hilly Kristal, played by Alan Rickman. Read full article here.

The upcoming movie “CBGB” isn’t just some lame attempt to re-create the clubs glory on screen – as ET Canada found out on a recent set visit! Lisa Kristal, daughter of CBGB punk rock club owner Hilly Kristal, actually had a role in shaping Ashley Greene’s character – since the character is in fact her! “It’s definitely a positive source to have on set,” says Ashley. “You want to do someone justice and you definitely want to portray them correctly but also be able to have a little artistic freedom.” Read full article here.




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ASHLEY MICHELE GREENE, född 21 februari 1987 i Jacksonville, Florida. Ashley är en amerikansk skådespelerska och modell. Hennes stora genomslag kom med rollen som vampyren "Alice" i The Twilight Saga.