The Apparition & Butter på The Notable Films of 2012

KällaThe Apparition
Opens: August 24th 2012
Cast: Tom Felton, Ashley Greene, Sebastian Stan, Julianna Guill, Luke Pasqualino
Director: Todd Lincoln
Analysis: Dark Castle’s horror entry for this past September, this PG-13 sci-fi meets haunted house tale was delayed a full year – so something could well be reshot. It was filmed in Berlin, but set in a part of the San Fernando Valley where houses go unfinished though with no obvious reason, unlike say Réunion Island where it’s for tax purposes.
The obvious influence here is “Paranormal Activity” but with a proper budget and a desire to beef up the number of scares, yet Twilight scene-stealer Ashley Greene and the still under-rated but always fun Sebastian Stan probably won’t be able to salvage the material.
Opens: March 16th 2012
Cast: Jennifer Garner, Ashley Greene, Olivia Wilde, Rob Corddry, Hugh Jackman
Director: Director: Jim Field SmithAnalysis: Jason Micallef’s debut script landed him right onto the 2008 Black List which saw this comedy quickly head into production. The story follows an adopted teen who discovers her talent for butter carving and finds herself pitted against an ambitious local woman (Garner) in their small Iowan town’s annual contest.
Screened at Telluride, reviews for this Midwest satire were quite strong saying that while it does pander to crowd pleasing conventions at the end, much of the runtime is wickedly edgy with a mean streak recalling Alexander Payne’s earliest efforts like “Election” and “Citizen Ruth”. The cast is very strong and Garner looks to deliver her best work in the genre in years, hopefully this will be an indie that can break through ala “Little Miss Sunshine”.