Fler bilder på Ashley från 29 maj


Ashley ute med vänner och bebis i Malibu 29 maj

Ashley fångades på bild tillsammans med några vänner ute i Malibu, Kalifornien igår (29 maj) och Ashley sågs leka med en av sina vänners bebis. Vad söt unge! Tror Ashley kommer bli en riktigt bra mamma när hon får barn!


Dagens bild

Massa olika recensioner från Skateland

Det har kommit ut en massa nya recensioner av filmen Skateland som nyligen hade premiär i USA, där Ashley spelar karaktären Michelle. De skriver en massa bra och positiva saker om Ashleys framträdande i filmen. Nedan hittar ni en lista med recensioner från filmen om ni är intresserade av att läsa dem.

Här är några utdrag om Ashley
"As friend and possible love interest Michelle, Ashley Greene (2010's "Eclipse") is terrific, and the finale, scored to Modern English's "I Melt with You," would make John Hughes proud."

"Greene leaves the baggage of the "Twilight" films behind, nicely portraying a good girl who wants more than she is getting in a dead-end town."

"Greene steals the show in a subtle manner and proves to be the driving force behind Fernandez's transformation throughout the movie. Despite her character being the youngest, she proves to be the most mature."

"This is the first film for Ashley Greene where she has gotten very much screen time or many lines. I do not think The Twilight Saga films give her much of a chance to stretch her acting legs and show that she is more than a pretty face. I found her portrayal of Michelle pretty realistic, and I was impressed with her ability to show emotion. I really expected the worse from her, and I was pleasantly surprised."


The Arclight Theater i Hollywood den 24 maj

Ashley syntes till tisdags (24 maj) när hon lämnade The Arclight Theater i Hollywood tillsammans med en vän. Troligen så hade dem sett filmen Bridesmaids eftersom Ashley twittrade om den tidigare i veckan.


Stannar förbi Nokia Theatre & McDonalds

Igår sågs Ashley till vid Nokia Theatre i Los Angeles och sedan stannade hon till på McDonalds för att ta en glass. 


Vinn Ashleys klänning från DonateMyDress.org

DonateMyDress.org har just nu en tävling där man kan vinna en utav Ashleys klänningar, klänningen Lela Rose som Ashley bar ett event. Ashley är deras talesperson och ansikte utåt och har spelat in ett litet meddelande där hon pratar om tävlingen och om hur viktigt skolbalen är för unga tjejer

Donate My Dress is an organization near and dear to Ashley Greene’s heart. And as DMD’s spokeswoman, Ashley has a special opportunity for one lucky girl – win the very same Lela Rose dress she’s wearing in this photo!

Läs mer om tävlingen på deras hemsida.


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Ashley lämnar Sunset Tan i Los Angeles

Ashley sågs lämna Sunset Tan igår (25 maj) i Los Angeles.

Ashley Greene, smiles sweetly at photographers after leaving Sunset Tan on Wednesday (May 25) in Los Angeles.

The 24-year-old actress wore dark shades and a casual green “Wild Hearts” v-neck tee.

Earlier this week, Ashley carried a giant bottle of water for her workout.

Seems like Ashley is getting in shape for a memorial day weekend in her bikini!

Ashley wrote on her Twitter page, “I just want a sun pool and cucumber water for memorial day weekend! :)”


Ny/gamla fanbilder från Eclipse screening i Jacksonville

Här är några fanbilder på Ashley från juli förra året när hon lämnade en biosalong i Jacksonville, Florida efter att ha överraskat biopubliken genom att dyka upp innan dem fick se Eclipse.


Summit släpper första Breaking Dawn postern

Summit Entertainment's offciella Twilight twitter släppte för några timmar sedan den första teaser postern för The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn! Dem bekräftade även att den första Breaking Dawn trailern kommer att visas på årets MTV Movie Awards som sänds natten mellan 5-6 juni. Spännande!!


Ashley out and about i Los Angeles

Ashley var ute och gjorde några ärenden i Studio City i Los Angeles igår (23 maj) och sågs även lämna sitt lokala gym efter ett hårt träningspass på morgonen.

Ser fler bilder här.

Källa och källa

Tom Felton pratar om The Apparition och Ashley

Tom Felton [från Harry Potter] pratade nyligen med MTV om hans kommande skräckfilm The Apparition och om han och kollegan Daniel Radcliffe känner sig tävlingsinriktade mot varandra eftersom båda har en skräckfilm som kommer ut i början av 2012. Tom nämnde även Ashley och Sebastian Stan som han spelar i The Appartion tillsammans med.

Tom Felton's "Apparition" was originally slated for a fall 2011 release, but Warner Bros. shifted the debut back to 2012, lining up a bit of a box-office face-off between Felton and his "Harry Potter" pal Daniel Radcliffe

Of "Apparition," which Felton previously told us was nothing short of a "dream role," the 23-year-old said, "It was so great for that film to be one of my first outside Hogwarts. Ashley and Sebastian are so talented. I learned so much from them, even though I was shooting for only six weeks. I'm very excited for that."
Ni kan läsa hela intervjun här.


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Nya bilder från mark. cosmetics

Några nya bilder från mark. har kommit ut, samt några som vi sett innan fast utan text eller liknande. Tyvärr är de inte i bästa i HQ kvalité och vissa är ganska små, så vi får hoppas på att de släpps i bättre format senare.


Ashleys meddelande på mark. salesmeeting

I helgen så hade mark. cosmetics ett affärsmöte och eftersom Ashley är deras ambassadör så spelade hon in ett meddelande i veckan för att välkomna alla dit. Tyvärr kunde Ashley inte närvara på mötet i New York eftersom hon var tvungen att flyga hem till Los Angeles. Någon spelade dock in meddelandet och lade upp det på YouTube!


Ashley äter på Café Med i Los Angeles

Här är några nya bilder på Ashley när hon åt på Café Med i Los Angeles i torsdags (19 maj).


Fanbilder med Ashley från El Rey Theatre i L.A

Igår spelade Jackson Rathbone (Jasper i Twilight) med sitt band 100 Monkeys på El Rey Theatre i Los Angeles och Ashley syntes till i publiken med några vänner. En hel del fans twittrade att dem pratade lite med henne och att hon var hur trevlig som helst. Några fick också ta en bild med henne och har lagt ut dem på twitter.


Brandon Freeman pratar castingen av Ashley i Skateland

Brandon Freeman är en utav bröderna som gjorde filmen Skateland där Ashley spelar karaktären Michelle. I en ny intervju med honom pratar han om hur det var när Ashley provspelade för rollen.

What was it like working on Skateland with young stars Ashley and Shiloh as well as seasoned actors including Brett Cullen and Melinda McGraw?

Across the board we had so many great people that came together from a cast standpoint to make the film. Skateland speaks to everyone a little bit differently, which was one of the underlying themes when we were casting here in L.A. Shiloh drove in from Northern California to read for the part. Opposed to just sitting down and reading his lines, he sat down and basically told us the story. He said, “This is what this meant to me when I read the script, and this is how it related to my life.”

As far as Ashley Greene, at that time Twilight hadn’t even come out, when we were casting for Skateland. Ashley was relatively unknown, and that was the only role that she had ever done. She just blew us away, she just took the character and made it her own. It was exactly what we wanted, and the chemistry with her and my brother Heath as his younger sister just worked.

As far as Ritchie, Shiloh really embodied the character that we were trying for Ritchie. He understood and got it so well that I think that’s why it worked. As for Ritchie’s young sister Mary, Haley Ramm was one of the first girls cast for that role, and we didn’t even need to see anyone else — she was perfect. We lucked out, so to speak. We probably wouldn’t be able to assemble that great a cast again, for a small low-budget independent film.


Två nya adds från mark. girl

Här är två nya annonser för mark. med några nya bilder på Ashley!


Video @ Ashley träffar en vän i Los Angeles

Videon är från i torsdags när Ashley mötte upp en vän i L.A.


Två nya fanbilder med Ashley

Några fans träffade på Ashley när hon var ute i Los Angeles i torsdags och fick autografer.


Lämnar Café Med i L.A tillsammans med vän

Efter att varit på en audition för filmen The Gangster Squad i Los Angeles igår, så sågs hon tillsammans med en vän lämna Café Med efter att dem ätit lunch. Älskar när Ashley har rött läppsift, hon passar verkligen i det!

Här är även bilder när hon går runt i Hollywood, samma dag.


Ashley lämnar audition för filmen The Gangster Squad

Spekulationerna förra veckan när Ashley ryktades gå på en audtion för en ny film kan mycket väl vara sanna! Igår (19 maj) sågs hon nämligen lämna en byggnad i Los Angeles efter att ha varit på en audition för filmen The Gangster Squad. Filmen handlar om en krönika av poliser som kämpar får att hålla ute East Cost Mafia från Los Angeles på 1940 och 50-talet. Många kända skådesperlare är redan ryktade att spela i filmen som kommer ut 2013, bl.a Ryan Gosling, Sean Penn och Josh Brolin.

Ashley såg mycket glad ut när hon lämnade auditionen så vi får hoppas att det gick bra och att hon kanske får en roll i filmen!


Donna Karan intervju med Ashley

Everybody likes to eavesdrop. Donna sits with prominent women she knows, loves and/or admires, gleaning insights and asking those need-to-know questions.

DONNA: What’s your relationship with fashion?

ASHLEY: “I’m definitely a lover of all things fashion. My personal style is constantly evolving, from growing up a beach-bum in Jacksonville, Florida to learning how to embrace couture fashion on the red-carpet while remaining true to who I am. To date, my favorite fashion moment was this year’s MET Gala. I have never felt so beautiful and am eternally thankful to Donna for that memorable moment in my career.”

DONNA: If you could meet any woman, living or dead, who would she be and why?

ASHLEY: “Audrey Hepburn would top my list. I’m in awe of her talent, her timeless sense of style, and her devotion to charity. She’s someone I look up to tremendously and would have loved to meet.”

DONNA: Who or what inspires you creatively?

ASHLEY: “Everything! I can be inspired by a person, a place I’ve visited, a book I’ve read. For example, Alice Cullen's style was inspired by Jackie O and Audrey Hepburn.”

DONNA: What’s the best thing about getting older?

ASHLEY: “The best thing about getting older is that you really start to find yourself and understand who you are. I’m in my 20’s and every year I grow more confident in my own skin.”

DONNA: Do you have a personal motto you live by?

ASHLEY: “Be true to yourself. Especially in this industry, where there are constant pressures, I think that’s very important. I’m grateful to my parents for raising me to believe that I have no one else’s standards to live up to but my own.”

DONNA: What do you treasure most in life?

ASHLEY: “My family and friends. I treasure them most in my life and know how blessed I am to have those relationships.”


Otaggad bild från mark. i UHQ kvalité

Tack till @247Greene så finns det nu en bild på Ashley från den senaste mark. katalogen i UHQ kvalité och otaggad. Bilden har vi sett innan men i sämre kvalité och med mark.'s text på. På tal om mark. så befinner sig Ashley just nu i New York där hon fotas för det kommande sommarnumret av deras senaste katalog samt som hon spelar in ett välkomstmeddelande för ett event som dem anordnar nu till helgen.


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Allure pratar skönhet & smink med Ashley

You know Ashley Greene for her red carpet looks, her turns as Alice Cullen in the Twilight movie series, and—admit it, tabloid junkies—as Joe Jonas's ex. This month, she gets her Farah Fawcett on in the indie drama Skateland set in the early 1980s, playing Michelle, a college-bound teenage mall employee with a crush on her longtime friend Ritchie, a slacker genius who works at a dying roller skating rink. We asked the actress about all things '80s, high school beauty, and for her favorite products and tips.

Your character, Michelle, is a real music buff. Do you have a favorite '80s song?

"I don't! I wasn't very well-versed in '80s music [until the movie], so it was a good thing that they gave us all a full iPod and introduced us to The Cure and Joy Division."

Who do you think had the best retro look?

"Farah Fawcett. Best '80s hair. Definitely."

You kind of have that feathered hair in the movie.

"That's who we were inspired by."

You also rocked blue eye shadow. Would you do that in real life?

"Probably not. But it was really fun to do stuff like that on film. You know what? Maybe I'd wear a different shade, a very sheer blue, one that's not as intense."

Are there any '80s trends that you do love?

"I like very bright, bright neon colors. I have a really amazing neon green clutch that adds a pop of color to an outfit. I'll do some retro-inspired pieces, but never an '80s ensemble."

What's a current trend that you wouldn't wear?

"Boyfriend jeans don't look good on me, as much as I try to do it. They look good on Halle Berry, but everything looks good on Halle Berry. I'm also not a huge platforms girl."

Any particular reason?

"I like stilettos with platforms but the full-on platforms that are kind of coming back just remind me of when I was in 6th grade."

What was your high school beauty look?

"I don't think I really had one. I know I wanted really thin, flat, straight hair. That was the big thing. Even though I didn't know how to do it yet, I actually flattened my hair once with an iron. It was really bad. Not cute. And I went through a stage with dark lip liner."


"Yeah, that was maybe 7th grade. I didn't have a sense of my own personal style and self until I was much older."

Have you picked up any makeup or hair tricks while working with the pros on movie sets?

"Definitely. I mean, you're sitting there for an hour watching them do your hair and makeup every day. And it's so funny—when I started in this industry, everyone would always say, 'Do you have any particular thing you like or don't like?' And I would always be like, 'No, you can do whatever.' But now I say, 'Can I wear my brows like this? I don't like my lashes this way.' You learn what works for you. I think the best beauty tip I've learned is that eyebrows shape your face and thinner is not always better. That's one thing I'd always do in high school—I'd try to have super-thin eyebrows. Now I'm always filling them in to make them a bit fuller."

What beauty products are in your purse right now?

"Mark Gloss Gorgeous Stay On Lip Stain—it's not sticky and it's not super-glossy. It leaves a bit of a stain, so you don't have to worry about reapplying. Anything that's low maintenance, I tend to like. I also have the Mark Light Bright Lighten & Depuff Eye Gel; I usually fly in on red eye flights, which I did last night. That stuff is magical.

Are you good at falling asleep on planes?

"Oh yes, it's like a talent. I should put that on my resume. The second we take off, I'm generally out."

What's your airplane beauty routine? Do you go bare-faced?

"Yes, especially if it's an all nighter or a long flight. For a shorter flight, maybe concealer and some mascara, if I want to look decent. Evian has a water spritzer I really like— that's one of my biggest things, to stay hydrated, because traveling from place to place really messes up your skin.


MTV pratar Breaking Dawn med Ashley

För några månader sedan så pratade MTV med Ashley via telefon då hon var mitt i inspelningen av Breaking Dawn, och hon pratade lite om hur det kändes att slutet var så nära med filmningen.

Audiences saw a whole new side of Ashley Greene this weekend as her '80s-set coming-of-age flick "Skateland" rolled into theaters. The 24-year-old actress will continue to keep busy during the latter part of 2011, with movies like "LOL," co-starring Miley Cyrus, and "A Warrior's Heart" slated for release. And then, of course, there's "The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1" hitting theaters November 18.

When we got on the phone a few months back to talk to Greene about "Skatetown," she was in the midst of final shoots for the "Twilight Saga" finale and preparing to say goodbye to the cast she's spent the last four years with.

"It's fun to go to work every day, but it's kind of bittersweet," she said. "It's sad, because I feel like it's high school or something. We've been doing it for so long."

Yet Greene considers it a boon to have worked with director Bill Condon on the final installments. "Working with Bill Condon makes it kind of the cherry on top, because he's so excited and he's incredible at what he does," she enthused.

And, lest we forget, the two-part "Breaking Dawn" will roll out over the next couple of years, giving the cast plenty of opportunities to see each other, even as stars Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner continue to book high-profile projects.

"For two years, we're going to have these movies coming out and press tours and all that stuff, and premieres. So the nice thing about that is that we know we are going to see each other over the next two years. It's not as hard to finish out the franchise."

No need for tearful goodbyes just yet, it seems.


Ashley på LAX & JFK flygplats

Ashley sågs på LAX flygplats i Los Angeles igår (15 maj) för att ta flyget till New York där hon senare sågs landa på flygplatsen JFK.

LAX flygplats i L.A

JFK flygplats i N.Y

Se fler bilder från LAX här.

Källa & källa

Dagens bild

Ashley går på audition för en ny roll?

GossipCenter rapporterar att Ashley möjligtvis var på en filmaudition i Los Angeles igår för en ny film. Det finns ingen mer information om det för tillfället men vi får hålla tummarna på att det är sant! 

Drawing an end to the week while also ushering in the release of her new movie, Ashley Greene was busy trying her best to line up more work in Los Angeles on Friday (May 13).

Wearing a "Look On the Bright Side" t-shirt while toting a turquoise fringe handbag, the "Twilight" actress strolled into a local building as she reportedly was on hand for an audition - with no other details being made available.



Shiloh Fernandez pratar om Ashley

Shiloh Fernandez som spelar tillsammans med Ashley i filmen Skateland, pratade nyligen med MTV och han pratar lite om Ashley. Haha, dem gick på bio och såg Twilight tillsammans :)


Intervju med Ashley från röda mattan @ Skateland

Ashley ute i Los Angeles för lunch

Ashley var ute runt om i Los Angeles idag (13 maj) för lite ärenden och lunchmöten. Hon säg väldigt trött ut men vacker som vanligt!

Ashley Greene keeps it comfy as she heads to a lunch meeting in Los Angeles on Friday afternoon (May 13).

Earlier this week, the 24-year-old actress premiered her new flick, Skateland. The movie opens in selected theaters TODAY! Are you going to see it?

Ashley has also been chosen as Facebook fan’s choice for the Sexiest Tweeter on Victoria’s Secret’s What is Sexy? list.

Do you follow Ashley on Twitter @ashleymgreene?


Ashley pratar The Hunger Games med NextMovie.com

NextMovie.com har en ny intervju med Ashley som jag tycker är riktigt intressant. De flesta intervjuerna med Ashley som kommit ut de senaste dagarna tenderar att ha samma frågor och svar, men här pratar Ashley även om filmen Butter och The Apparition samt bokserien (och snart filmerna) The Hunger Games

Being a Cullen certainly has its perks – fame, fortune, gorgeousness and an abundance of fabulous clothing, for starters.

But sometimes a sparkle vamp needs to shed her bloodlust and go back in time. For Ashley Greene, that time is now.

The erstwhile Alice takes on the 1980s in the new indie "Skateland," where she plays Michelle, the lone lady in a group of guy friends. Although she's the youngest, she eventually pushes them towards accepting adulthood and, in the case of her best friend (Shiloh Fernandez), accepting that she's not just one of the guys.

In real life, Greene is equally as convincing that she's more than just one of those "Twilight" kids.

Michelle is kind of the man with the plan in "Skateland" and everyone just seems to follow. Are you at all like that?

I'm definitely driven, strong-willed and have a general idea of what I want and I'm definitely willing to go get it. That was something that really drew me to the character because it's not so often that you find a female character -- especially surrounded by a mainly male-based cast -- that is the leader in that sense that she does have her head on straight and she knows what she wants. She's mature and kind of no-nonsense.

Have you ever been a "one of the guys" kind of girl like Michelle?

I grew up the tomboy. I was always going outside and climbing trees and playing football with my brother -- I kind of wanted to be just like him. I think I'm kind of a guy's girl -- I like football and I'm not afraid to have a beer -- but I also like my manicures.

What's your favorite football team?

The Florida Gators… If I ever decided to go to college, that’s where I would have gone.

What would you have studied?

I was really into law and psychology… I went to a magnet school for law, sociology and psychology and I absolutely loved my law classes. I loved doing mock trials, which is essentially acting. You get up there and do the whole shebang with lawyers and judges. I realized I always loved performing and took a couple of acting classes.

In my mind, I was like, "That's what I need to do. This is what I'm doing." Everyone's like, "You're so brave that you did that," and now, looking back, I guess it was but I think I was just a little bit naïve and very hard headed. It broke my parents' hearts when I told them I didn't want to go to college anymore but they were really cool with the whole thing.

I think if I had really thought about the competition and really thought about the thought of failure and all that stuff, I probably wouldn't be where I am now.

In the movie, Michelle is really into music. Was that something you were able to relate to?

In general, I love music, all types of music. There 's not one specific kind -- one day it'll be hard rock, one day it's country, one day it's jazz or blues -- so I do have an appreciation for music but I wasn't really familiar with '80s music. I think one of the smartest investments was the producers and director gave the main cast all iPods with tons and tons of '80s music on it and stuff that was relatable to the film. They also gave me CD's on top of it. Anytime I was in my trailer or at home, I would listen to it just so I would be familiar with it.

Was there anything that really stood out, that you really liked?

The Cure and Joy Division, which I really didn't know about but I now do.

You're a fashionable gal – how was stepping into some of that '80s fashion?

The fashion was fun. It was definitely out of my box, because I'm more of a little black dress, classic type of girl. But it was really fun to do. I saw pictures of my mom and it was just the funniest thing because I looked exactly like her. It was uncanny, the hair, the makeup, the clothes. I completely embraced it though. When am I ever going to get away with wearing blue eye shadow and Farrah Fawcett hair and neon shirts and cut-off shorts? I had fun with it.

You have "Butter," a comedy, and "Apparition," a thriller, coming up – so different from each other, from "Skateland" and from "Twilight." What can you tell us about them?

"Twilight" gave me an amazing stepping stool, something to jump off of, but I wanted people to be able to see something other than Alice Cullen. "Butter" was my first comedy and it was extremely nerve-racking. I was a lot out of my element but I went in 100 percent. I talked to Ty Burrell – I think he's genius – and Jennifer [Garner] was super-sweet. Everyone was just very open, very willing to talk about anything they were doing. That was a really cool experience and it's something I'm very proud of.

"Apparition" was my first studio lead, which is a very big deal. I was extremely nervous about that one too. I think the thing I was attracted to is that sometimes in thrillers, the girls aren't the most proactive and aren't the smartest, but one of the really big key points in the film is that we wanted Kelly, my character, to be really driven, very proactive and very smart… When you have to deal with a lot of special effects, it was a different realm, but emotionally, I went to a lot of different places I hadn't been to yet. That is something I'm really excited for everyone to see.

Everyone is talking about "The Hunger Games" as the next big, "Twilight"-like thing. Have you read them?

I've definitely heard about it. I'm really interested to be able to have the time to read these books because I have a lot of friends who are really big fans of the franchise. I'm excited to see it come out, I'm excited for whomever gets to be in it, because it could hopefully, potentially be their "Twilight."

Do you think it's fair that people are already calling it the next "Twilight" or "Harry Potter?"

I think it's unfair to the actors to put that much pressure on them. It's exciting and hopefully it is. I think the only negative thing is that it has that pressure on it and I'm sure people want it to be its own entity and not compared to "Twilight" and "Harry Potter," but I think that just means that they have very high expectations.


Lämnar Skateland efterfest på Tru Nightclub i L.A

Bilder på Ashley när hon lämnade Skatelands efterfest på Tru Nightclub i Los Angeles i onsdags (11 maj) har kommit ut. Jag älskar hur Ashley är sminkad och hennes hår är riktigt fint!


Söt bild på Marlo och Theodore

Caitie, en av Ashleys nära vänner, twittrade en nyligen en ny bild på Ashleys hundar Marlo och Theodore! Hur söta är dem inte?? Jag är glad att Marlo mår bättre nu! ♥

Video @ Anländer till Skateland premiären i L.A

Seventeen intervju med Ashley Greene

Seventeen har en ny kort intervju med Ashley från Skateland Press Junket

Many, many Twilight movies ago (okay, not that many), Ashley Greene took a break before starting production on New Moon to make a kinda-indie, kinda-fun, maybe-a-little-depressing-at-times movie about a roller rink in the 80s, called Skateland. It’s a sweet movie with a ton of heart, and you’ll get to see Ashley really shine in it. We were so excited about the movie (which opens tomorrow, May 13), we had to sit her down to get her to spill on everything from life lessons to her co-stars, and of course, Breaking Dawn.

17: What’s the biggest thing you learned about yourself while making this movie?

AG: I think I learned that I will always keep learning about myself. I’m always changing. I still have the same morals and values and foundation of who I was, growing up in Jacksonville, FL, but I’m such a different person from who I was when I was 17. You live and you learn and you grow.

17: Do you have any advice for your 17-year-old self?

AG: It’s not the end of the world. Back then, everything felt like the end of the world. My parents knew nothing. Hah.

17: Speaking of the end, how do you feel about getting so close to the end of Twilight.

AG: It’s bittersweet. It’s like high school. You’re excited to graduate, but at the same time, you’re going to miss your friends. But we know we haven’t seen the last of each other—we still have a couple of years with the press tours and premieres.

17: Your Skateland co-star Shiloh Fernandez was almost Edward Cullen. Did you guys ever talk about that?

AG: Yeah, we certainly had discussions about (Twilight director) Catherine Hardwicke. We both had the same opinion on her: she’s just fantastic. She’s wild and crazy and eccentric and very fun to work with.


Ny Skateland trailer

CBS News: From Twilight to Skateland

CBS News har en video där dem pratar om att Ashley går från Twilight till Skateland och i slutet har dem även en kort titt på en ny intervju med henne.


Skateland Premiär @ Efterfesten

Ashley var också på efterfesten igår efter premiären av filmen Skateland i Hollywood som hölls av T-Mobile. Till festen hade hon bytt klänning till en kortare svart med lite silveriga detaljer.


Premiären av Skateland i Los Angeles

Igår var det galapremiär av Ashleys film Skateland på Arclight Theater i Hollywood och Ashley var såklart där. Hon bar en blekrosa, lång klänning från märket Fendi med en snygg clutch, också från Fendi. Hon såg strålande ut och jag är förälskad i klänningen, speciellt färgen! Hon fotades också tillsammans med sina medskådespelare Shiloh Fernandez, Heath Freeman och resten av castet.

Vad tyckte ni om Ashleys klänning?


Ashley lämnar STK i L.A med sin bror Joe @ Video

Ashley och hennes bror Joe Greene sågs lämna STK Los Angeles 3 Year Anniversary Party igår. En video när dem kör där ifrån finns ute;

ComingSoon: 15 minuter lång intervju med Ashley

ComingSoon.com har en ny, ca 15 minuter lång väldigt intressant intervju med Ashey från Skateland Press Junket. Hon pratar bl.a också om The Apparition, Breaking Dawn, hur hon förberedde sig för filmen och hur hon upptäckte manuset och blev intresserad av filmen (Skateland).


MTV pratar mer med Ashley Greene

Mer av MTV's intervju med Ashley har kommit ut och här pratar hon om sin stil och om den är mer som hennes karaktär i Skateland, Michelle, eller som Alice i Twilight.

When we talked to the 24-year-old recently, she made it clear that she won't be stealing her character's look anytime soon. "I like incorporating '80s pieces into my wardrobe but not the whole look in general," she said with a laugh. "It's a little extreme. But I had fun with it. I think this film was the the chance to really embrace it and go for it. So I was talking to wardrobe and talking about pieces and was like, 'Yeah, let's totally do it.' But I wouldn't rock the whole look on an everyday basis."

Funny enough, when Ashley was all done up in her crazy prints and questionable denim, the actress couldn't help but see a familiar face. "I would look at pictures of my mom, and I would look so much like my mom in old pictures," she said.

Eerie resemblances aside, the obvious question remains: Does Ashley prefer vampire wear or '80s fashion? "I think the '80s wardrobe is much more comfortable," she said. "And it's fun. In vampire wear, it's stuff I would wear on an everyday basis, so to depart from that was fun."


Ännu ett nytt klipp från Skateland

Eftersom premiären drar sig allt närmre, så börjar allt fler små klipp från filmen komma ut. Ännu ett klipp från Ashleys kommande film Skateland har alltså nu kommit ut. Det går inte att lägga in här men klicka på bilden för att se det!

STK Los Angeles 3 Year Anniversary Party

Ashley var igår på STK Los Angeles 3 Year Anniversary Party STK. STK är en restaurang i Los Angeles som firade tre år igår och för att fira det hade dem en liten festtillställning. 

Ashley Greene attended the STK Los Angeles 3 Year Anniversary Party at STK in Los Angeles tonight, May 10.

Ashley, who was spotted out grabbing some lunch with a friend earlier today, looked cute and casual as she celebrated STK restaurant’s 3 year milestone!

I love the casual look Ashley is sporting in these photos!


Ute i West Hollywood med Brock Kelly

Ashley sågs ute i West HollywoodKalifornien igår (10 maj) tillsammans med vännen Brock Kelly. Älskar tröjan och väskan!

Källa och källa

Ashley Greene: #53 on Maxim's Hot 100 List

Här är en scan från tidningen Maxim där dem listar hela deras Hot 100 List. Ashley kom på #53:e plats.


Pratar om gamla jobb och Breaking Dawn

Ännu en intervju för Skateland har kommit ut och denna gången är det Teen.com som intervjuade Ashley. Hon pratar om sina gamla jobb, om man kan vara kompis med ett ex och om bröllopsscenen i Breaking Dawn.


Ashley lämnar gymmet den 8 maj

En glad Ashley sågs lämna sitt gym i Los Angeles i söndags (8 maj). Jag undrar om det är något speciellt hon tränar till (en ny film?) eller kanske bara till beachen 2011? Hon ser ut att vara i riktigt bra form i alla fall!


Shockya: Intervju med Ashley för Skateland

Shockya har släppt en ny intervju med Ashley från Skateland Press Junket. Ashley går djupare in på filmen och jämför den med bl.a Twilight. Hon pratar också om hur hon förberedde sig inför filmen (Skateland) och om Breaking Dawn. Intervjun är 10 minuter lång men verkligen värd att se!

It’s easy to forget that actress Ashley Greene has a career beyond The Twilight Saga thanks to the enormity of that franchise. Well, not only does she have a few non-Twilight projects on the way, but way back when, before the first Twilight film even hit theaters, Greene was hard at work on another production, Anthony Burns’ Skateland.

The film focuses on a recent high school graduate named Ritchie Wheeler (Shiloh Fernandez). When Ritchie isn’t handing out skates at Skateland, he’s hanging out with Brent (Heath Freeman) and his younger sister and Ritchie’s crush, Michelle (Greene). Ritchie has just about everything going for him, but needs a little nudge when it comes to realizing his dreams and leaving Skateland behind and that nudge comes from Michelle. Similarly, she’s trying to get her bearings on life after high school and more specifically, a potential future with Ritchie.

No vampire fangs, no ability to see into the future; this is just ordinary Ashley Greene proving she’s got something to offer even without the bells and whistles of a multimillion dollar franchise. In honor of Skateland’s May 13th release, Greene sat down to talk about her experience making the film including working with Fernandez and Freeman and how this production compared to working on The Twilight Saga, which, of course, we talked a bit about as well. But keep in mind, this interview was shot back in March, so some details might have changed.


MTV intervju med Ashley om Skateland

MTV har en ny intervju med Ashley där hon pratar om att hon fortfarande var väldigt okänd när hon gjorde sin audition för Skateland och att rollen som Michelle är väldigt olik Alice Cullen-rollen i Twilight.

After the major box-office bite of three "Twilight Saga" films (and counting), it's hard to imagine any Hollywood casting director is unfamiliar with Ashley Greene. But when the 24-year-old actress auditioned for the part of Michelle Burkham in her upcoming '80s-set flick "Skateland," she was simply that girl from that vampire movie.

"It was right before 'New Moon.' No one really knew who I was," she recalled of the audition process. "We had done 'Twilight,' and I think maybe it had just come out. ... Actually, I feel like it came out while ['Skateland'] was filming. And, of course, I got the news of how big it was. No one really knew who I was at that point, so I was just a girl who was in this movie that was buzzed about. I really had to work for it."

After a long gestation period, audiences will finally get to see Greene in her first non-"Twilight" role — one she said is very different from her vampire alter ego.

"I was really excited, because it was definitely a departure from Alice Cullen. I think it was two years ago, so I'm excited it's finally coming out," she told MTV News. "I basically read the script, and I was really drawn to the character because Michelle — she's strong and she's vulnerable, and I feel like you don't get that a lot with female roles in films. She's kind of the headstrong girl in the movie, and she knows what she wants and she's confident and, you know, a no-bull kind of girl."

"Skateland" stars Shiloh Fernandez as a small-town Texas skating-rink manager who's forced to grow up after a series of dramatic events unfold in his life.


Två nya bilder från Met Galan's efterfest

Två nya bilder på Ashley från efterfesten av The Costume Institute Gala 2011 finns nu ute. 


Ashley pratar om stunts i Breaking Dawn

Intervjuerna med Ashley för Skateland Press Junket fortsätter att komma in och denna gången har NextMovie intervjuat Ashley och dem frågade henne om stuntsen i Breaking Dawn.

Skådespelarna i "The Twilight Saga" är många saker - unga, oerhört attraktiva, imponerande begåvade - men är de även stuntmän och kvinnor?

Tydligen så, enligt Ashley Greene.

När NextMovie satte sig för att diskutera hennes kommande film, "Skateland," erkände hon att hon och resten av gänget - japp, Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson och Taylor Lautner också - var ambitiösa när det gällde att göra sina egna vågade stunts för "Breaking Dawn".

"De jobbar med specialeffekter men vårt cast som helhet är faktiskt ganska atletiskt", säger hon exklusivt till NextMovie. "Alla vill verkligen kunna göra sina egna stunts. Vi har alla verkligen arbetat hårt för att göra så mycket som möjligt som produktionen tillåter oss göra försäkring-vis.

"Mycket av det du kommer se är det faktiskt vi som gör."

Hon kunde inte gå närmare in på vad allt vad det innebar, men vi gissar att det betyder att hon kommer att göra en hel del spring, hopp och slag på medlemmarna i Volturiklanen. Med andra ord, Bring. It. On.

"The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Del 1" kommer inte ut på bio förrän den 18 november, men du kan se Ashley i "Skateland" nu i helgen.


Översatt av mig, kopierar du, ange sidan som källa!


Förändringar på sidan - ashleygreene.se

En del förändringar håller på att ske här på sidan just nu, bl.a så har en ny design kommit upp! Den är i lite ljusare färger och i headern har jag använt mig av bilderna på Ashley från Teen Vouge photoshooten. Även om jag älskade den föregående designen så hade jag tröttnat lite på den och tyckte helt enkelt att det var dags för en ny. Jag hoppas ni gillar den lika mycket som jag och lämna gärna feedback bland kommentarerna till det här inlägget!

Update: Jag har lagt in de nya designen men det verkar ändå vara något fel och sidan visar endast olika delar av den nya designen och delar av den gamla. Det kan ha något med servern att göra och jag ska försöka fixa det så snart som möjligt. Bara så att ni vet varför det ser så konstigt ut!

Jag försöker ständigt göra sidan bättre för att ni läsare ska trivas så bra som möjligt och därför kan ni numera hitta sidan på den enkla adressen ashleygreene.se! Har alltså fixat ett domän till bloggen för att den ska vara lättare att hitta och komma ihåg. Så nu behöver ni bara skriva in ashleygreene.se i adressfältet istället!

Fler bilder på Ashley i L.A

Ashley sågs ute i Los Angeles även idag (7 maj) efter att ha tränat en sväng på gymmet.

Update: Fler bilder!


Dagens bild

Tillbaka i Los Angeles - på gymmet

Ashley åkte igår (5 maj) tillbaka hem till Los Angeles där hon fångades på bild när hon lämnade sitt lokala gym.


Ännu ett exklusivt klipp från Skateland

People.com har släppt ett nytt exklusivt klipp från Ashleys kommande film Skateland som har premiär den 13 maj i USA. Ni kan se det här eller alternativt klicka på bilden eftersom det inte går att lägga in.

Uppdate: Finns nu i YouTube version!


Ashley pratar om paparazzi för Skateland Press Junket

I en ny intervju med BBC för Skateland Press Junket, så pratar Ashley om paparazzies och varför hon inte stör sig så himla mycket på dem.


FHM's 100 Sexiest Women in the World

Ashley är med på FHM's 100 Sexiest Women in the World 2011 lista och hon hamnde på #17:e plats. Det är en förbättring från förra året då hon hamnade på plats #20.

Ni kan se hela listan här.


Ashley talks fashion, music & socializing of the '80s

Första videointervjun med Ashley från Skateland Press Junket finns nu ute! Ashley pratar bl.a om hur hon lärde sig om musiken på 80-talet och hur modet var och hur hennes stil skiljer sig från det. Intressant intervju och jag ser fram emot fler!


Ny/gammal bild från Italien

Två bilder på Ashley från när hon var i Montepulciano, Italien 2009 för att spela in New Moon.


Ashley och Kristen Stewart festar i New York

Hollywood Life skriver att Ashley och hennes Twilight-kollega Kristen Stewart, som också var på The Costume Institute Gala i måndags, sågs festa tillsammans på efterfesten på The Standard Hotel i New York. Synd att vi inte fick en bild på dem två tillsammans på galan!

After the girls wow NYC’s Met Ball in their gorgeous gowns, they party the night away at The Standard Hotel!

Breaking Dawn stars Kristen Stewart and Ashley Greene have always seemed fond of each other, but we had no clue they were such good friends! HollywoodLife.com spoke to a source who attended the Met Ball after-party on the 18th floor of The Standard Hotel in NYC’s Meatpacking District, and they reveal that Ashley and Kristen had a great time together!“Kristen spent most of the night hanging out with the designers of her dress [Jack McCollough and Lazaro Hernandez],” says our source. “But she was having cocktails and laughing with Ashley too.”

Ashley and K-Stew had been spotted eating at NYC’s trendy Italian restaurant Scarpetta just a few days earlier!


Ashley äter lunch i New York

Ashley sågs tillsammans med en vän luncha på Gemma i East Village, New York igår. 

Stepping out for an early dinner with a pal, Ashley Greene was spotted in the East Village of New York City yesterday (May 3).

The super-hot “New Moon” babe grabbed an outdoor table at Gemma, where she grabbed some pizza and conversation while paparazzi looked on from afar.

On Monday night, Ashley turned heads at the 2011 Costume Designers Institute MET Gala where she wore a custom-made Donna Karan gown.

She told press, “I had to do some strength training to wear it. I saw it and was kind of like, ‘Anything is worth it to wear this dress.’”


Who Was Best Dressed at the Met Costume Gala?

E! Online
har en ny poll för dagen där man kan rösta på dagens bäst klädda. Man kan rösta på Ashley som tävlar mot Michelle Williams, Selma Hayek, Diane Kruger och Gisele Bündchen med deras klänningar från The Costume Institute Gala 2011.

Rösta här!


Fler videos med Ashley från The Met Gala 2011

Ashley kommer runt 3:12 och hon snackar om händelsen med Osama bin Laden som hände natten till måndag.

Ashley poserar på röda mattan

Ashley anländer och lämnar galan

Källa & källa

Intervju med Access Hollywood

Access Hollywood intervjuade Ashley på röda mattan på The Costume Institute Gala i måndags. Hon pratar om sin Donna Karan klänning och Breaking Dawn.


Röda mattan @ The Met Gala 2011


Glamour's Tell Somebody Campaign

Ashley är med i Glamour's Tell Somebody Campaign där hon och andra kändisar och tjejer som blivit utsatta för för våld i sitt förhållande pratar om hur viktigt det är att prata med någon om man befinner sig i den situationen.


Ashley på 2011 Maxim Hot 100 list

Fö tredje året i rad så har Ashley nu hamnat på Maxim's Hot 100 List 2011! Det här året kom Ashley på 53:e plats. Ni kan se hela listan här.

The annual Maxim Hot 100 list has been released. Victoria's Secret model and star of "Transformers 3: Dark of the Moon" Rosie Huntington-Whiteley has been named the no. 1 hot chick in America.

Other notables on the list: The newly-married Duchess of Cambridge Catherine Middleton came in at no. 26, the CW got some love with Leighton Meester (no. 16), Aly Michalka (no. 66) and Lyndsy Fonseca (no. 89) - but no Blake Lively. Even "Jersey Shore" got a shout-out, with J-Woww's inclusion at no. 78.

"Harry Potter" and "Twilight" were represented by Emma Watson (no. 69) and Ashley Greene (no. 53). Funny ladies Cobie Smulders (no. 9), Kaley Cuoco (no. 13), Emma Stone (no. 42), Anna Faris (no. 44) and Alison Brie (no. 49) all made the list and "Glee" got some love for Lea Michele (no. 28) and Naya Rivera (no. 43), but no Heather Morris or Dianna Agron. And the "Mad Men" bombshells January Jones (no. 12) and Christina Hendricks (no. 56) were also included.


Video @ Ashley & Taylor Swift kramas på The Met Gala

Runt 1:40.

The Costume Institute Gala 2011 - Inside

Några bilder på Ashley från när hon var inne på The Costume Institute Gala igår finns ute. Vackra människa! Älskar släpet på klänningen! Jag vet inte vem killen hon står med är. 


Bild från efterfesten av The Costume Institute Gala

En bild på Ashley från efterfesten av The Costume Institute Gala 2011 har kommit ut. Till efterfesten hade hon bytat till en svart, lite kortare klänning.


Ashley Greene Makes a Stunning Splash in Donna Karan

Ashley Greene was the lucky lady in a one-of-a-kind Donna Karan dress at this evening's Costume Institute Gala in NYC. She pulled back her long locks to let the gown be the center of attention as she stepped out onto the red carpet.

Ashley isn't the only Twilight star at the event tonight, as Kristen Stewart will be making a repeat appearance at the event. Both girls look gorgeous when they are dressed to the nines, and today fans were also excited to see them in the newly released Breaking Dawn photos, showing scenes from Edward and Bella's wedding and honeymoon. For the moment, however, it's all about Ashley, Kristen, and the rest of the beauties celebrating Alexander McQueen's legacy.

What do you think of her look? Weigh in on Ashley and all the rest of the 2011 Met Gala red-carpet pictures with Fab and Bella's live love it or leave it polls.


Ashley fanart

Tack till Linda som skickade in denna bilden på Ashley som hon har ritat själv!

Vill du också skicka in fanart på Ashley? Skicka till [email protected]!

Ashley Greene Is a Fairytale Princess in Custom Donna Karan

Ashley Greene was a picture of elegance in a nude strapless gown, custom made by Donna Karan. The gown's fitted bodice hugged the Twilight star's curves, while the frothy full fishtail hem lent a dreamy quality to the look.

Cascading silver sequins added further princess-like accent to the dress. Ashley wore her hair in a soft chignon and finished off her look with diamond earrings and gunmetal Brian Atwood pumps.

Fashion took over New York as the industry put on their finest for the year's biggest event—the Met Gala. This year, the event honored the late Alexander McQueen with a glam event and exquisite museum collection. From Hollywood stars to the most talented fashion designers, everyone who's anyone was there. The event was geld on May 2, 2011 at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York.


Ashley på Met Galan 2011

Igår var Ashley på The Met Gala 2011 - The Costume Institute Gala i på Metropolitan Museum of Art i New York. Hon bar en unik hudfärgad, axelbandslös klänning från Donna Karan med snygga detaljer i silver. Klackarna är Wagner från Brian Atwood och håret är stylat av Ted Gibson & Jason Hueman.

Se en massa fler bilder här och här.

Källa, källa, källa & källa

MTV visar exklusivt klipp från Skateland

MTV har lagt upp ett exklusivt klipp från Ashleys film Skateland som har premiär i USA den 13 maj, på deras hemsida.

"Now it's Ashley Greene's turn to ditch her Cullen persona in favor of some indie fare.

In "Skateland" (opening May 13), Ashley stars opposite Shiloh Fernandez in a fun, coming-of-age story about how a group of friends deal with growing up and the demise of their local skating rink (the film is set in the early 1980s so the skating rink as the local hangout thing makes more sense...). And guess what!?! We nabbed an EXCLUSIVE scene from the film.

In one of the movie's more contemplative scenes, Ashley's go-getter character Michelle discusses the future with longtime friend/potential love interest Ritchie, played by Shiloh. (It's a moment much less precognitive than we're used to in "Twilight," to be sure.)"

Movie Trailers - Movies Blog


Ny intervju från Skateland SXSW Red Carpet

En video med nya intervjuer som vi inte sett innan från Skateland premiären på SXSW festivalen i Texas förra året har kommit ut. Ashley kommer runt 2:56 och sedan igen lite längre fram. 


HQ version av bilden från Breaking Dawn

Bilden på Alice och Bella från Breaking Dawn finns nu i HQ.


Dagens bild

Ashley bekräftad till Met Galan imorgon

Hårstylisten Jason Hueman har på sin Twitter berkäftat att Ashley kommer närvara på årets Met Gala - The Costume Institute Gala, som hålls på The Metropolitan Museum of Art imorgon (2 maj) i New York. Ashley twittrade igår att hon redan är i New York. Jason Hueman jobbar tillsammans med Ashleys vanliga hårstylist Ted Gibson och han avslöjade att dem ska göra hennes hår imorgon. Ska bli spännande att se vad Ashley kommer att ha på sig och hur dem gjort hennes hår! Andra skådespelare från Twilight som är bekräftade att närvara är bl.a Kristen Stewart.


- Äldre inlägg hittas vid respektive månad under "Arkiv" till vänster.

Hoppa upp till bloggens topp!

© 2012 / http://www.ashleygreene.se / aashleygreene(at)live.se / Online:
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ASHLEY MICHELE GREENE, född 21 februari 1987 i Jacksonville, Florida. Ashley är en amerikansk skådespelerska och modell. Hennes stora genomslag kom med rollen som vampyren "Alice" i The Twilight Saga.