Smygtitt på decembernumret av FLARE Magazine
Skrivet av: Viktoria
Ashley att vara på The Avon Foundation For Women
The Avon Foundation for Women – Global Voices for Change Awards Gala on November 2 Fergie and Natasha Bedingfield and other global music luminaries will join together for a second evening of celebration held at the Marriott Marquis in New York City. The Avon Foundation will honor international organizations for their life-saving work in accelerating breast cancer research and access to care and the crusade to end violence against women. Additionally, the Avon Voices talent search will conclude with the announcement of the two winners – one an Avon Representative – who will be chosen from among the top ten finalists, based on a combination of their live performances at the Hard Rock Café on November 1, and the 2.5 million votes received from around the world. The evening will also feature performances by the Avon Voices finalists.Källa
WHO: Avon Chairman & CEO Andrea Jung, and the Avon Voices Judges, including: Six-time Grammy award winner Fergie, Grammy nominated singer/songwriter Natasha Bedingfield, legendary song writer Diane Warren, Australian artist of the decade Delta Goodrem, Filipina singer and actress Lea Salonga, Brazil’s biggest pop star Ivete Sangalo, Russian sensation Valeriya, Grammy award wining artist David Pack, American music artist Sheila E, Colombian singing star, Maia. Ashley Greene, the Ambassador for mark, a division of Avon Products, Inc., will also appear.
Avon Foundation Awards Gala –7:30 PM EST November 2, 2011 – honoring international organizations for their life-saving work to advance women’s health and safety, and announcing the Avon Voices winners. – LIVE FROM TIMES SQUARE MARRIOTT MARQUIS IN NYC – Watch the LIVE feed at
Skrivet av: Viktoria
Dagens bild
Skrivet av: Viktoria
Stockholm Press Junket: Intervju med Ashley
Breaking Dawn Part 1 TV Spot #4
Skrivet av: Viktoria
Hela presskonferansen med Ashley och Rob
Skrivet av: Viktoria
#Twilight-Fan-eventet: Sverige!!
Men nog om det; bilder och videos från eventet kommer dyka upp här i detta inlägget så håll utkik! Måste säga att Ashley var riktigt vacker igår!
Ashley och Rob var först på presskonferansen i Stockholm innan dem intog Hovet senare på kvällen;

Faneventet på Hovet;

Se fler bilder här, här, här, här och här.
Källa, källa, källa
Skrivet av: Viktoria
Se hela Twilight Fan Eventet i Stockholm live!

När vampyrerna intar Stockholm kan alla fans bli vip-gäster. På fredag sänder Nö hela ”Twilight: Breaking dawn”-kalaset live från Hovet. – Det känns fantastiskt att kunna erbjuda våra läsare en riktig helaftonsföreställning, säger Aftonbladets nöjeschef Tobias Waldefeldt Lindner.
Ända sedan den första ”Twilight”-filmen har hysterin kring Edward och Bellas kärlekshistoria varit enorm. Den 16 november är det Sverigepremiär för den fjärde filmen i den populära vampyrserien – ”Breaking dawn del ett”.
Men redan på fredag har fansen en hel del att se fram emot.
Pattinson till Hovet – Nö livesänder
Då kommer ”Twilight”-stjärnorna Robert Pattinson, 25, och Ashley Greene, 24, som spelar vampyrsyskonen Edward och Alice Cullen till Stockholm för en helkväll på Hovet. Och Nö direktsänder eventet i samarbete med Nordisk film. – Det är oerhört hedrande att Robert Pattinson och Ashley Greene tar sig tid att besöka Sverige inför biopremiären av ”Breaking dawn”. Vi på Nordisk film är väldigt stolta att för andra gången kunna erbjuda ”Twilight”-fansen en mötesplats där de får träffa skådespelarna, säger Pia Grünler, distributionschef på Nordisk Film.
– Detta är det enda eventet för fans i hela Norden, så trycket är och kommer att vara gigantiskt. Nu kan alla som inte kan ta sig till Stockholm ändå ta del av precis allt som händer på Hovet, säger Tobias Waldefeldt Lindner, och fortsätter: – Tittarna kommer att hamna rakt i händelsernas centrum, det blir en riktig vip-upplevelse. ”Sveriges bästa bevakning av ”Breaking dawn”-dagen Förutom själva livesändningen kommer Nö dyka djupt ner i ”Twilight”-världen. – Vi kan erbjuda Sveriges bästa bevakning av ”Breaking dawn”-dagen; vi direktrapporterar från presskonferensen, vi gör tv-inslag och träffar skådespelarna under dagen, säger Tobias Waldefeldt Lindner.
Ni kan se det här med början kl. 17.50.
Skrivet av: Viktoria
Full Q&A från Twilight Fan Eventet i Belgien
#Twilight-Fan-eventet: Belgien!
Inlägget kommer uppdateras under dagen så håll utkik!

Bilder från själva faneventet börjar rulla in och ni kan se många fler i galleriet.

Källa, källa, källa
Skrivet av: Viktoria
Mer behind the scenes footage - Breaking Dawn Part 1
Skrivet av: Viktoria
Dagens bild
Skrivet av: Viktoria
Outtakes & intervju från Blackbook Magazine

I wanted to write an article entitled “Go Ask Alice,” a play on that druggy confessional book from the seventies and the character that 24-year-old actor Ashley Greene is best known for portraying: Alice Cullen of the lusty vampire saga Twilight. I wanted to write about Hollywood DUIs with La Lohan, TMZ tussles, and coke-fueled orgies with the cast of Gossip Girl. I wanted to write the tragic untold story about the sorry life of the beautiful young starlet who got sucked into the vortex of a hyper-popular teen franchise—a $1.7 billion box office bonanza and counting. Being at the center of a storm like that must surely come with a dark side, right?
Apparently not.
In person, Greene comes across as anything but a Hollywood monster. She’s more like a Girl Next Door, maybe one of the Joey Potter variety—only real, and rich, and available for dissection in the pages of the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue. My hopes were dashed. Delivered from modeling classes in Florida to Hollywood at 17, and then to Twilight at 21, Greene appears to be well adjusted, deeply engaged in her career, and keenly aware of her good fortune. She’s close with her family, stays out of the tabloids (no small challenge given her relationship with onetime beau Joe Jonas), and seems every inch the PR fantasy.
The image Greene projects is one of a young woman so focused, private, and seemingly straight-laced as to be almost boring. (What good is a celebrity if there’s nothing salacious at which to wag our collective finger?) Except the Girl Next Door is never boring. Here’s why:
She’s a Bikini Babe
Take a look at Sports Illustrated’s 2010 Swimsuit issue. That’s Ms. Greene inside, wearing nothing at all, her body a marvel in the ’90s-era supermodel mold. “My team asked them to go easy on the Photoshop,” she says. “I’m not perfect, I have flaws.” Perhaps they lie beneath the pink, scaly bikini that was painted onto her muscular form. “I painted it on myself,” she jokes. “Actually, it took 12 hours, and the artists are amazing. I was debating whether or not to do it, but I talked to my dad. I thought it was very beautiful and artistic.” She readily admits to harboring ulterior motives, though: “It had a really good response. I think it was actually a good thing in that it made my audience more broad.”
She Has a Dad Who Can Kill You
How much heat did the old man take after his little girl turned up in her birthday suit on billboards and in magazines all over the world? “My dad used to be in the Marines, so no one is going to give him flack,” Greene says. She and her brother were raised with SEAL Team Six strictness in Middleburg and Jacksonville, Florida. (Her father now owns a concrete business, and her mother works in insurance.) “At 14, I was being a little brat. I thought I knew everything, and my dad was like, ‘I own your bed, your TV, everything.’ At the time I was annoyed, but I’m very thankful because he worked really hard to provide for us. There was a lot of discipline, and with what I’m doing now, I’m glad for it.
She Can Kick Your Ass at Sports
It’s no coincidence that so many paparazzi shots show her exiting the gym. Her physique is so, well, exemplary that Greene has twice graced the cover of Women’s Health. “Growing up I was very competitive with my brother,” she says. “He did martial arts, and I was a tomboy. I got into martial arts and won medals.” Odds are good that one of them was a Purple Heart. “Once on the trampoline, I hit my leg and it just snapped,” the former cheerleader says. “They put pins in it.” Restrained in what nearly amounted to a full-body cast, Greene managed to re-break the bone soon thereafter when her brother, off balance on roller skates, sent her wheelchair careening into a concrete wall. “I broke my arm twice, I broke my femur twice, I split my head open twice,” Greene says. In other words, she is not afraid of you.
She Has a Crazy Work Ethic
Greene joined the labor force at age 14. “I worked at the dry cleaner across from my school, I worked accounts payable for a company, I did hosting, I worked at a bowling alley, I worked at a boutique,” she says, ticking through her resume. After arriving in LA with a manager and an agent in hand, she earned spots on Mad TV and Punk’d (she tricked Justin Long into thinking she was underage after he bought her a cocktail), but continued to work Average Joe jobs to make ends meet. “I worked at a hotel, I worked at a restaurant, I did modeling, I worked everywhere. And I didn’t get fired!” That hotel she worked at? The Hollywood Roosevelt in LA, home of Teddy’s, the site of many a debauched evening for young Hollywood. Does she care to share any stories? “Absolutely not.”
She Knows How to Be Naughty
Yes, she’s discreet, but that doesn’t mean she can’t be seduced. Before there was Sports Illustrated, there was the cover of Maxim. “I wouldn’t have done anything too crazy,” she says. “The thing I tell myself is, My father’s going to see this.” She knows that teen girls make up the vast majority of her fan club, too. And yet, she understands what brings home the bacon. “It’s important to have a male audience.”
She’s Probably Seeing Someone Else
It’s a wonder the aforementioned teens didn’t abandon her in droves in 2010 when she started dating Joe Jonas. (Whatever did happen to that promise ring?) Since their breakup last March, her love life has been the source of endless speculation—she’s been paired with everyone from onscreen afterlife-mate Jackson Rathbone to Family Guy creator Seth McFarlane. “I’m not an actress, I’m a professional dater,” she jokes. “I’m dating everyone! My brother lives in LA and won’t even walk outside a restaurant with me. He’s like, ‘I do not want to be romantically linked to you.’” But she’s quick to add: “I’m not dating anyone. I’m very focused on what I’m going to do next.”
She Will Always Be 17 in Your Mind
Her future projects, other than Twilight: Breaking Dawn (parts I and II), include Butter, a dark comedy about butter-carving, a colloquial art form popular at state fairs (she plays Jennifer Garner’s stepdaughter), and LOL, a teen flick with Miley Cyrus. There’s also an Oliver Twist-like project, wherein Dickens’ famous tale of orphandom gets re-imagined for a female lead. Truth be told, Greene is entering a tricky age in Hollywood: too old to play the daughter, not old enough to play the wife. Not many actors negotiate the transition gracefully. “I think Rachel McAdams has done a great job,” Greene says. “Going from Mean Girls to Midnight in Paris. She’s had really diverse roles and separates herself.”
She Has a Clue
Greene knows that people see her as Alice from Twilight. But she also realizes how limiting that can be. “Everyone sees Alice as a best friend. A teen idol is an untouchable, unapproachable, amazing thing. The cool thing about Alice is that anyone that comes up to me is like, ‘I just want to hug you.’” Is that not also, well, a little creepy? “No, they’re not asking for a lock of my hair. They just relate to that character and relate to me, but I don’t consider myself a teen idol. Justin Bieber is a teen idol.”
She’s Down to Earth
Bieber and the Jonas brothers and dozens of other stadium-filling teen idols can’t go five minutes without name-checking God for their success. To what does Greene attribute her good fortune? “The first year I was in LA, I worked my butt off. I was in acting classes every day. I would rather pay money for a class than have nice clothes. If I hadn’t worked as hard as I did, I wouldn’t be with the manager and the agent I have and they wouldn’t have sent me out for this Twilight thing. There are roles I didn’t get and I was really devastated, but because I didn’t get them, I was able to do Twilight … If you end up unsuccessful, on the street with no friends, it’s probably because you’re a jerk. It’s not necessarily divine intervention. Your actions predict what happens.”
But just like any good Girl Next Door, Greene counters all that talk about forging her own destiny with some good-old fashioned humility: “You can’t control if the casting director thinks you look like his ex-girlfriend.”
Skrivet av: Viktoria
Intervju från Paris + nytt BTS Breaking Dawn material
Källa, källa
Skrivet av: Viktoria
Hela Q&A med Ashley och Robert i Paris - BD Fan Event
Skrivet av: Viktoria
Ashley på omslaget av FLARE Magazine 2011!

Issue: December 2011
Who: Ashley Greene
Photo: Max AbadianAshley Greene is wearing a dress by Marchesa, and earrings and a ring by Laruicci.
To Get a Look Like Ashley’s, Try: Sally Hansen Nailgrowth Miracle Color in Wholesome Earth, $6. Mark Lipclick Full Color Lipstick in Cha Cha, $10. Maybelline the Falsies Flared, $9.When: July 18
Where: Poolside at a private residence in Beverly HillsAshley Greene arrived at our cover shoot in style, dressed in a loose navy pullover, striped navy and white shorts and white straw wedge slingbacks. She was quick to fall in love with the gowns our fashion director, Elizabeth Cabral, had selected for the holiday glamour–themed shoot.
The actor, best known as the cheerful, fashion-savvy vampire Alice Cullen in The Twilight Saga, was instantly drawn to a Gucci black and crimson gown with chiffon flower embroidery . And that was just the start. By day’s end, Greene had posed in Emilio Pucci, Marchesa and Arthur Mendonça. “Ashley was open to trying anything on,” Cabral says. “She was very easygoing, and she loves clothes.”
On wearing trends: “I think trends are dangerous. Just because it’s a trend doesn’t necessarily mean it’s going to work on you, and I think that’s where a lot of fashion mistakes are made. People just go with what’s hot and what’s hip. And for me, things overwhelm me easily so I have to be really specific about what I wear.”
On the Canadian impact on her wardrobe: In Vancouver, I found my favourite store on the face of the planet – Aritzia. Every time I filmed there, I’d basically clean out the store. It was a nice thing because they only had it in Canada, but now it’s also in New York. I feel that’s going to get me into a lot of trouble.”
On fashion tips she’s learned along the way: “I’ve certainly learned that every woman has a different body type so you have to learn to love yourself and work with what you have. If you were born with an athletic figure, you’re never going to have Scarlett Johansson’s body. Once you get past that, you become a lot happier in your clothes decisions and with yourself.”
On Alice’s (of the Twilight saga) clairvoyant powers: “It sounds really cool but I think it would drive me crazy, honestly. It kind of takes away the mystery of life a little bit. I think I would just drive myself absolutely insane trying to stop things from happening.”
On a favourite red carpet moment: Prabal Gurung had a red dress that I wore to the New Moon premiere, and it was floor length, a very simple silhouette, had a tiny bit of a train in the back. When I wore that, I think I felt, for the first time, like a movie star.”
On her next move: “Right now I’m just reading a lot [of scripts], trying to figure out what the next move is going to be. I feel like everyone’s kind of watching and waiting saying ‘What are these kids going to do?’ So I’m just taking full advantage of being able to take things at a very steady pace and figure them out as I go.”
On her off-camera style: “I’m obviously a really huge fan of showing off your figure, but still being feminine and classy. I think there’s something to be said for keeping something to the imagination.”
On helping the costume designers with Alice’s bridesmaid dress: “I wanted Alice’s past incorporated into her dress a little bit. She’s from the 1920s and 1930s, so we kind of kept that in mind.”
On staying in touch with the cast: “We’ll do dinners and game nights. This whole experience was really special to a lot of us, and we certainly don’t want to lose that family aspect just because we’re not filming.”
On embracing the single life: “I’m not dating anyone right now, which is nice. I’m choosing to take it as a really great opportunity to focus on myself and figure out what’s next in my career.”
On filming Bella and Edward’s wedding scenes: “Watching your friends get married, onscreen or off, is a very interesting, delicate thing.”
Källa, källa
Skrivet av: Viktoria
#Twilight-Fan-eventet: Paris!
Inlägget kommer uppdateras under kvällen med fler bilder vartefter de publiceras!

Videos från eventet;
Källa, källa
Skrivet av: Karolina
Ny bild från mark. - Fall Campaign 2011

Skrivet av: Viktoria
Nya outtakes från Esquire Magazine!

Skrivet av: Viktoria
Ashley anländer i Paris

Ashley sågs anlända på flygplatsen i Paris, Frankrike imorse (22 oktober), redo för det första Twilight-fan-eventet i Europa med Robert Pattinson.
Skrivet av: Karolina
HQ scans från Blackbook Magazine 2011

Skrivet av: Viktoria
Ashley i ny video för mark.
Skrivet av: Viktoria
Första bilden på Ashley i Butter!

Skrivet av: Viktoria
Allure Magazine 2011 scans nu i HQ
Gamla bilder på Ashley + Demi Moore pratar om Ashley i LOL

I en ny intervju nyligen så nämnde Demi Moore lite snabbt Ashley och hennes roll i kommande filmen LOL (Demi är också med i den);
With regard to Greene’s performance, Moore teased that moviegoers can expect to see a very different side of the “Breaking Dawn” star.
“She’s saucy, she’s really saucy,” Moore said with a smile, which prompted her “Margin Call” co-star Simon Baker to chime in.
“I love it when you say that,” Baker said. “Is she sassy too?”
“Sassy and saucy,” Moore promised.
“LOL” is based on the successful 2008 French film “Laughing Out Loud.” The American version is a coming-of-age story about a group of young people — led by Cyrus’ wild-child character Lola— trying to navigate high school peer pressure and romance in a tech-savvy era. The cast also includes Thomas Jane (“Hung”), Gina Gershon (“Rescue Me”), Jay Hernandez (“Takers”) and Austin Nichols (“One Tree Hill”).
Källa, källa
Skrivet av: Viktoria
Behind the scenes på Breaking Dawn Part 1 - The Wedding
Skrivet av: Viktoria
På omslaget av Blackbook Magazine 2011
Ashley pryder ännu ett omslag denna månaden (även Allure) och denna gången är det Blackbook Magazine! Tidningen innehåller en ny photoshoot samt en ny intervju med Ashley. Än så länge finns bara omslaget och en del av intervjun ute som ni kan läsa nedan.
Ashley Greene says her brother is terrified of being seen with her – in case he mistakenly gets romantically linked with her. The ‘Twilight’ beauty says that since her split with Joe Jonas, virtually every man she is seen with gets called a new love interest. “I’m not an actress – I’m a professional dater! I’m dating everyone!” she laughed. “My brother won’t even walk outside a restaurant with me. He’s like, ‘I do not want to be romantically linked to you’.” She clarifies: “I’m not dating anyone.” Greene, who insists in her BlackBook magazine interview that she is “not perfect, I have flaws“, also talked about growing up with a Marine as a dad – and her huge list of injuries as a sporty kid.
Skrivet av: Viktoria
Ashley Greene nya ansiktet utåt för DKNY!

Här är det officiella pressmeddelandet;
Patti Cohen, Donna Karan International’s executive vice president for global marketing and communications, told, “Ashley embodies everything DKNY—her energy, her spirit, her eclectic personal style. She is on the forefront of what it means to connect with a global fan base through social media, a focus that is aligned with our digital and new media initiatives.“
Greene stated, “I’ve always loved Donna Karan’s creations. To be a part of the brands’ message is incredibly exciting because it feels like such an organic fit. It’s easy to talk about how these clothes work for my lifestyle, whether I’m in New York, L.A. or traveling for work.”
Ashley follows in the footsteps of Rachel Bilson, Hilary Duff, Alexa Chung, Anja Rubik, Harley Viera Newton, and Leigh Lezark who have been DKNY faces in the past years.
Skrivet av: Viktoria
Tider, VIP-biljetter och tävlingar till Twilight Fan Event
Sergel: De 225 första får VIP-biljetter
Malmö: De 10 första får VIP-biljetter
Göteborg: De 10 första får VIP-biljetter
VIP-biljetter innebär ståplats närmast scenen.
16.00 Insläpp på Hovet
18.00 Twilight Fan Event börjar
Kvällens värdar är Knappen & Hakim från NRJ.
SF Bio har en tävling där man kan vinna VIP-biljetter till Hovet. Tävla här. Tävlingen avslutas senare idag så passa på! Man kan även som Bioklubbsmedlem ställa en fråga till Ashley och Rob, det kan ni göra här.
Skrivet av: Viktoria
Allure Magazine 2011: Ashley Greene’s Style Timeline

“This brings back really great memories. My family would take us to the Keys every year. We were in one of these little pop-out homes, and I was just so happy. But, man, look at my hair—it was blonde. You wouldn’t even recognize me. Makes me miss Florida.”
“Wait, was this when I used to model? Oh, wow. My fashion sense has certainly evolved. Man, I’m a hot mess. I look so young. I’m sure I thought that was cool at the time.”
“Especially with the male [characters] and teenage girls…they go gaga. Absolutely crazy. With the female characters, you have a fan base. They want to be your best friend. With [Pattinson], they want a lock of hair.”
“Kellan and I have been best friends since before Twilight.People used to say, ‘Oh, you have to be romantically involved, you have to be.’ But now I think they really get it.
2010: IN A SOBE AD
“Oh, sorry, Dad. Um, yes, they basically painted on a skin suit. Anything that is not with a teddy bear, I think he has a hard time seeing because he still sees me as his little girl. This is something that I definitely thought about. It ended up being such a blast, but I will say that that thing took 12 hours to paint on.”>
“They put us together, and we didn’t know each other. This was pre-anything [with Joe].”
“This was the first time I’d been to Paris. She’s supersweet. We’re friends. We don’t hang out on a daily basis, but everyone in the film [LOL] was really young. So we all kind of hung out and ran around Paris.”
“This is my second birthday in Vegas, and for whatever reason, I wanted it to be Candy Land–themed. They did this cake, and it was all edible—a Candy Land cake. It was a huge party with super-really-good friends, and it was a fun, fun time.”
“We are buddies. Actually, I think this is the picture that sparked all the rumors that we were dating. That rumor has since killed itself, because everyone was like, ‘They’ve been doing movies together for five years.’”
“I felt like a princess. It was a Donna Karan dress that she specifically made for me. I had a blast. I was beside myself.”
“My hair’s better, right? [Laughs] This picture is of Alice and Bella getting ready for a wedding, which is of course a huge, fun thing for Alice; not so much for Bella. It was a little bit awkward, because I was putting makeup on for her, but I had to look straight forward. I’m actually really good at putting on my own makeup, and my girlfriends always ask me to do theirs. I’ve worked with so many makeup artists that I pick up things. But that doesn’t mean I can do someone else’s face. I always get nervous because I’m like, ‘I don’t want to mess with your face!’”
“I’m pretty sure if they could have put me in lingerie in every scene, they would have. I went to the battlefield, saying, ‘Give me a reason why this girl would run around naked all the time.’ No one does that. [My character was] basically getting ready for bed, so that’s believable. We think someone has broken into the house, and we’ve gone to investigate.”
Skrivet av: Viktoria
Breaking Dawn Part 1 stills i HQ
Behind the scenes på Allure Magazine 2011
Skrivet av: Viktoria
Ashley's Allure 2011 photoshoot & intervju

“It’s a double-edged sword,” Ashley Greene says about her Twilight fame—and the tabloid coverage that comes with it. “It’s amazing to be known, and it’s great that there is this audience that wants to know about me. But I’m like, ‘I’m going to be known for coming out of the gym rather than [for] what film I have coming out.’” Here, Greene poses in a Zac Posen dress. She showed her sweet side when capturing this shot: She said, “I’m so sorry!” to the male model after each time she tossed the water at him.Källa
Besides her acting career, Greene is also known as the girl who snagged Joe Jonas’s heart shortly after he broke up with Demi Lovato, who later sought treatment for “emotional and physical” issues. “I’m really happy that she’s doing well,” she says of Lovato. The actress also rolls her eyes at the rumor that they fought over Jonas. “She and I never had a problem with each other,” Greene says. “But, you know, it doesn’t go away…. Jen Aniston still gets asked about Angelina Jolie.” Dress by Donna Karan New York.
Greene talks about the Twilight cast as if they were a second family, and about Robert Pattinson as if he were an awkward brother. “Rob. Oh, Rob. He’s very endearing, but you’ve seen his interviews. He’s like, ‘Ah, I don’t know…. Oh, God,’” Greene bumbles in imitation. Despite poking a little fun at him, she credits Pattinson (she calls him a “phenomenal actor”) and the rest of the actors for helping her cope with sudden fame. “All of us essentially were unknown. So everyone kind of went through this crazy whirlwind [together],’” Greene says. “It was really nice to be able to confide in people who were going through the exact same thing.”
“We wanted to do a look she was comfortable with—very natural and beautiful,” said hairstylist Serge Normant. He added volumizer and blow-dried Greene’s hair, then created a soft bend with a one-inch curling iron.
While getting ready for the shoot, Greene mentioned how happy she was to be out of her pale Twilightmakeup. Makeup artist Romy Soleimani said, “I wanted to use peaches and warm pinks.” First, Soleimani dusted on a sheer taupe eye shadow, then lined the actress’s eyes with a black pencil and a charcoal shadow. Then she layered a warm peach blush on top of nude and pink ones. Finally, Soleimani patted on a nude-pink lipstick with an extra dab of pink on the center of Greene’s mouth.
Lately, Greene has been trying to stay out of the tabloids. She tries to “avoid nightclubs and making out in public,” the star says. Despite her efforts, since breaking up with Jonas in March, Greene has been linked to an impressive roster of men, including Twilight costar Jackson Rathbone, Kings of Leon bassist Jared Followill, and Family Guy creator Seth MacFarlane. “Seth and I are friends, and he texts me: ‘I didn’t know that not only were we dating, but we have since been confirmed to not be dating,’” Greene says. “I can assure you that we’re not.”
Skrivet av: Viktoria
Ashley out and about i Los Angeles - 17 oktober

Skrivet av: Viktoria
Ashley bekräftad för Twilight Convention i L.A den 5 november

Skrivet av: Viktoria
Scans från Allure Magazine 2011
Klicka för att se dem större. Kommer ersätta dem senare när de finns ute i HQ.

Skrivet av: Viktoria
Ashley på omslaget av Allure Magazine

Skrivet av: Viktoria
Dagens bild
Skrivet av: Viktoria
Lämnar Mercado Di Vetro Restaurant i West Hollywood

Skrivet av: Viktoria
Biljetterna till Twilight-faneventet släpps den 21 oktober
Stort Twilight Fan Event 28 oktober i Stockholm med skådespelarna Robert Pattinson och Ashley Greene.
Den 28 oktober besöker Twilight-stjärnorna Robert Pattinson och Ashley Greene Stockholm för att möta sina fans på Hovet, där de kommer att medverka i en frågestund! På programmet står dessutom livemusik och en första exklusiv visning av klipp från THE TWILIGHT SAGA: BREAKING DAWN – part 1. Biljetterna är gratis och delas ut på utvalda SF Bio biografer fredagen den 21 oktober. Max två biljetter/person. Åldersgräns 13 år.
Här kan du få tag på de åtråvärda biljetterna den 21 oktober:
Filmstaden Sergel, Hötorget Stockholm, klockan 07.00
Filmstaden Bergakungen, Göteborg, klockan 07.00
Filmstaden Storgatan, Malmö, klockan 07.00
Filmstaden Gävle, vanliga öppettider
Filmstaden Helsingborg, vanliga öppettider
Filmstaden Jönköping, vanliga öppettider
Filmstaden Karlstad, vanliga öppettider
Filmstaden Linköping, vanliga öppettider
Filmstaden Luleå, vanliga öppettider
Filmstaden Lund, vanliga öppettider
Filmstaden Norrköping, vanliga öppettider
Filmstaden Sundsvall, vanliga öppettider
Filmstaden Umeå, vanliga öppettider
Filmstaden Uppsala, vanliga öppettider
Filmstaden Västerås, vanliga öppettider
Filmstaden Växjö, vanliga öppettider
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Twilight Fan Event är ett samarrangemang mellan Zap Events, Nordisk Film och SF Bio. THE TWILIGHT SAGA: BREAKING DAWN – part 1 kommer få världspremiär den 16 november!
Skrivet av: Viktoria
Lämnar gymmet i Los Angeles - 13 oktober

She has always been a fan of fitness, and Ashley Greene hit up her personal gym in Los Angeles earlier today (October 13). Sporting a comic book t-shirt, black shorts, and a black sports bra, the “Apparition” actress smiled behind a pair of sunglasses as she made her exit.
Skrivet av: Viktoria
Ashley lämnar Il Pastaio Restaurant i Beverly Hills - 12 oktober

Update; Se många fler bilder på Ashley här där hon bl.a håller vad som ser ut som ett manus i handen!
Skrivet av: Viktoria
Ashley anländer till gymmet i Sherman Oaks - 12 oktober

Skrivet av: Viktoria
Ny bild från bröllopet i Breaking Dawn part 1

"We took a little bit of Alice's past and put it into her dress" - Ashley Greene
Skrivet av: Viktoria
Ashley stannar förbi Tavern Restaurent i Brentwood, Los Angeles

Se fler här.
Skrivet av: Viktoria
Två nya promotional stills från Breaking Dawn

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Out and about i Hollywod - 10 oktober

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På omslaget av The Hair Book Magazine

Skrivet av: Viktoria
Vinn en träff med Ashley Greene och Robert Pattinson!

Skrivet av: Viktoria
Ny/gamla bilder på Ashley och Joe Jonas + ny mark. outtake

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Skrivet av: Viktoria
Fler nya bilder från Pilates for Pink eventet

Se fler här.
Skrivet av: Viktoria
Ashleys intervju med Woman's Health South Africa 2011

Ashley Greene, who says she would never get drunk in public because she doesn't want to set a bad example for her young fans, flaunts her ripped bikini body on the October 2011 cover of South African Women's Health.
The 5'5" green-eyed stunner, who works out 6 days a week doing Pilates, cardio, yoga, martial arts and strength training, says her fitness motto is simple: "Eat well, exercise, and work with what ya got!"
'I Don't Want a Child's Body, I Want a Woman's Body'
Despite the pressure on young Hollywood actresses to be a size zero, Greene, 24, says she won't starve herself to be skinny.
"I don't want a child's body," Ashley has said. "I want a woman's body that is extremely fit. It's so much sexier."
Greene, who's hailed for her athletic good looks, enjoys action movies and would love to be a (James) Bond girl.
“I would love to be a Bond girl,” Ashley said. “I love action films because I have kind of dabbled in that with Twilight, and the characters are always really strong but have a little twist to them. They are just such cool characters to play.”
'I Don't Diet'
Greene, who's often photographed in exercise clothes going to and from the gym in Los Angeles, swears by Pilates to keep her lean and toned.
"I do [Pilates] early in the morning," she says. "It wakes you up, and it's kind of refreshing. I am not a big weight person because when I do weights I build muscle mass."
Ashley, who underwent hours of fight training for Eclipse and Breaking Dawn, insists she doesn't diet, but eats healthy foods in small portions.
"I don't do the diet thing anymore," says Greene. "I'm a big believer in feeding your body what it needs. Deny yourself something and you're going to end up shoving your face full of it."
Breaking Dawn, which co-stars Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner, comes out in November 2011.
Skrivet av: Viktoria
Jackson Rathbone pratar om Ashley och att spela musik

“Rob [Pattinson] and I have jammed quite a bit (on the set),” he says. “Miss [Kristen] Stewart is quite a guitarist and singer herself. Nikki Reed is actually a fantastic songwriter and she is an amazing singer, too, but it’s hard to get her to sing. I think I’m one of the few people that’s ever gotten her to sing. I badgered her enough. On this last movie I was teaching Ashley [Greene] a little bit about the ukulele. Kellan [Lutz] is actually taking up the guitar…We always had a good ol’ time [playing music together on the set.]“
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Tack även Jossan för tipset!
Skrivet av: Viktoria
Dagens bild

Skrivet av: Viktoria
Ashley och Reeve Carney - tillsammans?

Skrivet av: Viktoria
Woman's Health Magazine - South Africa Oktober 2011

American actress and model Ashley Greene is the cover star of the Women’s Health Magazine for the October 2011 issue. Ashley shows off her sexy, sporty body in a tiny bikini. The actress reveals the secrets of what it takes to get her body confident in the exclusive for the mag.Källa
Skrivet av: Viktoria
Ashley Greene till Sverige!!!

Fredagen den 28 oktober besöker skådespelarna Robert Pattinson och Ashley Greene Stockholm inför Sverigepremiären av THE TWILIGHT SAGA: BREAKING DAWN – part 1. Robert Pattinson, som spelar Edward Cullen och Ashley Greene, som spelar Edwards syster Alice Cullen, har båda blivit några av världens största filmstjärnor efter succéerna med de tre tidigare filmerna i The Twilight Saga: ”Twilight”, ”New Moon” och ”Eclipse.
- Att skådespelarna från Twilight-filmerna återigen väljer Stockholm som en av anhalterna på sin promotionturné i Europa är resultatet av ett bra samarbete med amerikanska producenten Summit Entertainment. En ännu större anledning är The Twilight Sagas framgångar i denna del av världen och det outsinliga engagemanget från den skandinaviska fanbasen. Vi är oerhört stolta och glada å fansens vägnar att dessa två världsstjärnor också har valt att komma till Stockholm, säger Pia Grünler, Distributionschef Nordisk Film
Nordisk Film kommer även denna gång arrangera ett TWILIGHT FAN EVENT fredagen den 28 oktober på Hovet där Robert Pattinson och Ashley Greene får möta sina Skandinaviska fans. Programmet för detta event håller på att sättas ihop och är ännu inte klart. Mer information om detta event släpps inom kort.
THE TWILIGHT SAGA: BREAKING DAWN – Part 1 är den uppmärksammade fortsättningen och fjärde delen i Stephanie Meyers berättelse om Bellas och Edwards omöjliga kärlek. Regi: Bill Condon. I rollerna: Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, Taylor Lautner, Ashley Greene m fl. THE TWILIGHT SAGA: BREAKING DAWN – part 1 får världspremiär över hela landet onsdagen den 16 november 2011!
Skrivet av: Viktoria
Ny bild på Alice och Bella från Breaking Dawn
Nya outtakes från mark. i magalog #11

Skrivet av: Viktoria
Joe Jonas klarnar upp rykten om honom och Ashley
“Hooked up? Wow! Um, well I’m sorry to disappoint all those, I guess you can call them Jashley fans, me and Ashley we’re still very cool,” he said. “We’re still good friends, and we talk quite a bit, but nothing romantic.”Källa
“We actually kept bumping into each other,” he continued. “It was cordial and it was nice. Hooking up—if you’re talking about making out—that unfortunately did not happen.”
Skrivet av: Viktoria
Dagens bild

Skrivet av: Viktoria
Pilates for Pink på Project Pink Day i New York

Skrivet av: Viktoria
Ashley out and about i New York - 1 oktober

With an unexpected downpour interfering with her weekend errands, Ashley Greene got caught in the rain while out in Manhattan on Saturday afternoon (October 1).
The leisurely outing comes as Miss Greene is gearing up for quite the hectic year’s end – as she has multiple movies set to be released in theaters over the coming months.
Along with the much-awaited “Breaking Dawn: Part 1″ being set to take over cinemas worldwide in November, the 24-year-old first can be seen in a star-studded comedy titled “Butter” beginning on October 21st.
Co-starring Olivia Wilde, Hugh Jackman, Jennifer Garner and Ty Burrell, the Jim Field Smith directed offering is “set in the Midwest U.S., where an adopted girl discovers her talent for butter carving and finds herself pitted against an ambitious local woman in their town’s annual contest.
Skrivet av: Viktoria